
I really believe this blog post is one of the most impacting messages I have shared to date. It is longer than usual, but if you want more, then learn to seek more.

When Kobe passed, it made me think, “What other famous people’s deaths have had an impact on me?” The first person that came to mind was Robin Williams.

I love comedy and RV is one of my all-time favorite movies. I grew up on Mork and Mindy and I truly thought Robin Williams was probably one of the happiest people on earth. Sadly, this was not the case as it seems he used his gift of making others smile as a mirage to hide the pain that was destroying him on the inside. The side we could not see. The thought of Robin being one of the happiest people on earth reminded me one of my favorite books THE HAPPIEST PEOPLE ON EARTH about Demos Shakarian as told by Elizabeth and Jack Sherrill. The same authors who wrote The Cross and the Switchblade, another powerful true story.

The third famous person who tragically died that impacted my life was Myles Munroe. Myles was an amazing man of God who impacted the world. That is not a stretch in any way as Myles traveled the world speaking to Kings, Prime Ministers, Presidents, but also small churches. He was a singer, evangelist, song writer, author, and pretty much everything else. One of the most intelligent and wisest men, I believe I have ever studied.  

He had a very humble beginning born in a poor village, in a small house, where him and his brother slept on the floor often getting bit by rats and mosquitoes. At age 13, he was failing in school and simply wondered why God let him be born into such a difficult situation. It was in frustration that Myles for the first time read the Bible all the way through. He said he hardily understood anything as he was a poor reader and the King James Version was difficult to understand. At age 15, he read the Bible through once again and something miraculous happened. The Word of God came alive and completely changed everything. He went from the bottom of his class to the top. His wisdom seemed to multiply from that time throughout the rest of his life. Not only wisdom, but favor and more favor.

I am going to share with you one of the most powerful messages I have ever heard. I listen to two or more messages a day from teachers, preachers, prophets, evangelist, as well as testimonies of Christians of every walk of life. I also love hearing motivational speakers. This message is one of the best messages that I have ever heard on how to achieve your dreams. Even better than that, how to achieve the dream God has placed in you.

Let’s get started! I grew up hearing that potential was a dirty word. If someone said you had potential, in my mind, they were basically telling you that you were a failure. It meant that you were not accomplishing what you were capable of. I believed that it was a nice way to be called a loser.

Myles change my mind 100% on this perspective. Life is not measured by how old you are, it is measure by how much you have left to unlock! The wealthiest, but saddest place on earth is the cemetery. Imagine how many unreached dreams, unwritten books, uncreated songs, and so much more wealth died and lay waist in every grave.

What is Potential?

  1. Dormant Ability
  2. Untapped Power
  3. Hidden Strength
  4. Reserved Energy
  5. Unused Success
  6. Leashed Talent
  7. All you can do that you have not done yet
  8. All you can become but you haven’t become yet
  9. Who you really are but no one knows it yet
  10. Requires Change, Pain, and Crazy Faith
  11. Requires you to Ask
  12. Requires the Holy Spirit – Your Supernatural Guide and Power
  13. Demands that you never settle for what you have accomplished
  14. Is never Finished while you still have breath
  15. Is trapped inside you longing for you to unlock it
  16. It holds the key to unlocking the impossible
  17. It is hidden and nobody but you can truly dream and work hard to create and unlock it.

Is potential the enemy of greatness or is it actually greatness just disguised in all of us? Whatever you have done is no longer your potential! Potential is what you have not done, but can still do. Once you have done something is ceases to be your potential.

God is motivated to see you find your potential. He is always going after what you have not done yet! Why? Because it knocks on the door and desires to invade the impossible, which is exactly where God lives. I like to think of it as God’s dance floor. Actually, it is more like a dance lake where instead of walking on water, you learn to dance on water.

Why are you singing other people’s songs, wearing other people’s designs, and dancing other people’s dances? Are you tired of watching others live your dreams? If so then keep reading.

We all have moments of success. Finally achieving a goal. The problem is that once we succeed, unless we discipline ourselves, we start to worship our success. Nothing can stop you from growing like success. I would go as far to say the greatest enemy of progress is your last success. You become so proud of what you have done that you stop striving for what you could do! Thus the greatest enemy of potential is your last success!

We must follow our example. Jesus never stopped to admire his miracles. He never did the same miracle twice. He was creative and, on a mission, to accomplish his entire ministry in only three years. Never rest in what you have achieved, simply high five your Heavenly Father or guardian angel and ask God what’s next dad?

Don’t ever get caught where God used to be! Some of your testimonies are so old that God is tired of them! I can just hear God saying, “Let’s hear something God did for you last night!”. Jesus completed every prophecy, healed everyone he was called to heal, taught every Word His Father told him to teach, and did it all.  He fasted, prayed, taught, and bled on the cross, so he could say these three words, “IT IS FINISHED”.

Let’s look at two words. The first word is omni. Omni means Always, All, Complete, Entire.

Let’s look at the second word – Potent, which means Power, Might, Strength, Energy Source.

When combined the word becomes OMNIPOTENT – Always Powerful, Almighty, Complete Strength, and Entire Source of Energy.

God is trying to tell you daily that He is still Omnipotent and you have no idea the level of potential that He has placed in you. It is time to free yourself from anxiety, fear, depression and panic. Satan uses each of these weapons to lock your potential up inside you. What you need, He can produce it! All you need is All you got!

God is not dead, nor is He done. He is ready to do more. He is just looking for someone to ask. Someone set on seeking Him with all their heart. He is looking for a stick, a simple staff in the Master’s hand. Just a normal person that believes in an unlimited God.

God already knows what you think you cannot do. God tells Abraham. I can do anything I say you can do. God will not tell you to do anything that is not already done. God just needs someone dumb enough to believe anything is possible through Him.

Isaiah 14:26 says that the Lord of hosts has decided and planned, and who can annul it? This verse in the Hebrew tells you that God is in total control. He is omnipotent. All Might is under His control. Setbacks are setups.

Abraham at 90 said no way. Moses free my people, but God there is no way. Gideon time to lead my men to victory, sorry God there is no way. When your mind says no way, your spirit has to learn to hear, “WAY”!

So where does potential come from?

Potential is the product of purpose. Purpose is why something exist. Potential is the ability to perform purpose.  Potential proceeds purpose. God will never ask for something, that He didn’t already place in you. God ask you to do something, because He put the do in you!

Let’s call this the potential principle. God does nothing without this principle. God first introduced potential in Genesis 1:12 when he created the earth with everything receiving a seed in them according to their kind. God placed His Kingdom in everything in a seed. In Hebrew it reads clear. God made the trees and plants and He placed in them their own seed. Potential is the seed that God has placed in you!

Kingdom come. It comes through the seed in you! Through the power of the Holy Spirit in you this seed is watered. This is how God places whatever he wants you to become in you, then He gives you the option of unlocking it. Seek Him to find it. He expects you to ask Him to help you find it. He gave you a guide of exactly how to unleash it!

Jesus said, I am the seed. If you plant me in the ground (the grave), then I will rise again. I will multiply and produce images of me all over the world.

Isaiah 46:8 God makes the statement, “I am God, and there is no one else; I am God, and there is no one like Me. Declaring the end and the result from the beginning….”. God makes the point to let everyone know that he set the end first, then started at the beginning. God doesn’t function in time, so he can do this impossible task.

God also shows you the dream at the beginning, this is why kids have big dreams. The Bible says in Matthew 18:3 that unless you become like a little child, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. You must learn to dream like a child, then have the faith of a child to believe that dream is not only possible, but that God wants it to come to pass in you. It is on God’s timing, but if you can patiently but expectantly wait for God’s timing, then you will see that your dream is small compared to the dreams He has for you.

The greatest gift God gave man is not sight, for it is a function of the eyes. The greatest gift He has given you is vision, for it is a function of the heart! Sight shows you what is. Vision shows you what could be! The greatest enemy of vision is sight! You must use the creativity God has placed in you to have the vision to see more.

God does not give trees, He gives seeds. God begins you with nothing, so He can be everything. You are what you saw as a child. If you only believe, ask, seek, and follow Christ, then our potential will become Christ potential.

All you have, is all you need!

Photo by James Sutton on Unsplash