
First of all, who gets the privilege of deciding who is defined as a superstar? The truth is nobody owns that privilege except God. Is a hero the same as superstar? Many servants including missionaries, teachers, nurses, and members of the military are undoubtedly heroes, but few are described as superstars. Fact is we are all superstars, but many of us operate at a lower level of superstardom than we are capable of shining. In fact, the Bible describes the highest level of superstar as a servant.

The world props up the wealthy, such as movie stars, sports stars, and pop stars as superstars, but as Christian followers, we are not to be of the world. The Bible speaks of these kinds of superstars, such as Goliath and many evil kings and queens, but over and over again God chose to use a remnant to fulfill his plan. God always found a David to defeat a Goliath. David’s father did not see him as King material, leaving him out of the lineup when Samuel came to his home to pick the next king. David’s father Jesse’s view of David seemed to qualify David for exactly what God was looking for to be used mightily in His Kingdom.

What are you made of?

In Gen 2:7 we find out that the Lord God formed us from the dust of the earth and then He breathed into us His breath (Ruah or Spirit) of life! 

On the fourth day of creation, God created the sun, moon, and stars. Of the tens of billions of trillions of stars in the universe, only a very small percentage are visible to the human eye. What is a Star? A star is any massive self-luminous celestial body of gas and elements that shines by radiation derived from its internal energy source.

What is a Supernova? A star that suddenly increases in brightness and explodes into Dust.

So, God made the stars, but then he chose a remnant of these stars to supernova and increase in brightness to the point of exploding into stardust. Why would God have these stars do this? Could it be to form stardust? What could God do with dust?

Humans and their galaxy have 97% percent of the same kind of atoms and elements of life. Even though water consists of two hydrogen atoms for every oxygen, hydrogen has much less mass. We can conclude that 93% of the mass in our body is stardust. Thus, we can conclude that each of us is made with stars inside our DNA. God used a Supernova to create Stardust, which then He used to create humans in His Image. Only God!

On day 5 God created the animals by speaking each and every animal into existence. They did not require a Supernova, nor did God breath His Spirit into them. What makes a human super? The answer is God’s Spirit, also called Ruah.

On the sixth day, God created humans from that supernova stardust. Creating you, a superstar, made in his own image. Through Christ Jesus, we are miracles, created to do the impossible, and made to do greater things than we can dream or imagine. God is a miracle working God. Everything He does is a miracle and done with intention. He gave you a special DNA and your fingerprint is the only one in the universe.

Don’t ever see yourself as anything less than God’ superstar. Do not let others define you. Do not listen to the enemy, a liar and deceiver. Do not let depression, anxiety, panic or fear have a place in your life. Choosing to follow Jesus and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit daily. With Christ Jesus, all things are possible.

The moral to this story is not to get caught up in what the world is propping up as superstars. If you look closely at many of the so-called superstars, then you will see many are very unhappy, lonely, addicted, divorced, confused, and messed up human beings. We all struggle, but through Christ Jesus, who gives us strength, joy, and hope, we can live victorious lives as His superstars!

Photo by NASA on Unsplash