Return to the 5


My first NAIA Championship was in 2005. My second miracle son Kade was born that season. 5 is the number for Grace. Not just mercy, but God’s overcoming power breathed into you by His Spirit. The Holy Spirit. I am praying for that in 2025. May we all return to the 5 this year!

In the Hebrew calendar it is the year 5785. The Hebrew alphabet has both letters and symbols to go with the number. The number 5 is Hei or Hey. When Sarai and Abram needed a miracle son, God breathed his life, His Hei, into them conceiving a miracle baby at the impossible age of 100 years old. What impossible dream have you given up hope for?

Roman 4:18 says, “Against ALL Hope, Abraham in HOPE became the Father of Nations”. Yes Sarai and Abram became Sarah and Abraham. God added His ALL powerful Spirit and Promise to their Lives. He is the same God yesterday, today, and Forever! He can do the same for you in 2025. 25 is 5 with power. 5 Squared. God gave Job twice as much as he had lost for staying faithful. David recovered All after Ziglag!

David picked up 5 stones! I believe it is time we return to the valley that God brought us to. Pick up your 5 stones! I believe this is a Kairos Moment! An appointed time for God to do what only God can do!

The concept of kairos originated in Greek archery, representing the moment when an archer finds the perfect opening to shoot their arrow. Why continue to shoot for your dreams in your own power when God is waiting patiently and expectantly for you to ask for His Help! Like a good Father. Like a Bridegroom on marriage day! Turn to Him. Return to Him!

The Hebrew word paga (pah-GAH) is a primary root that means “intercession“. It can also mean: 

To pray, To meet or encounter, To shed light upon, To join, To strIke, To mark territory’s boundaries, or To Reach the Mark!

Job 36:32 – God fills His hands with lightning and commands it to strike the mark! (Paga)

Our prayers release God’s power with accuracy striking the mark against the enemy! Through Intercession (Paga). We encounter (Paga) spiritual forces. Releasing God’s power to Strike them (Paga) with precision. Taking back and expanding territory (Paga) for our King? Staking claim to it for Him!

All of this is in PAGA!

Our Power is motivated in Love. Lightning released from our hands, Holy Spirit Guides this power to its target! 

“At each and every sunrise you will hear my voice as I prepare my sacrifice of prayer to you. Every morning I lay out the pieces of my life on the altar and wait for your fire to fall upon my heart.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭5‬:‭3‬ ‭TPT‬‬

“Yet I believe with all my heart that I will see again your goodness, Yahweh, in the land of life eternal! Here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Don’t give up; don’t be impatient; be entwined as one with the Lord. Be brave and courageous, and never lose hope. Yes, keep on waiting—for he will never disappoint you!”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭27‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭TPT‬‬

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