Everyone loves a puppy, but not everyone loves a dog. As for me and myself, I am a dog guy. I have been since I was little. We always had a dog. Puggy, Misty, Lady Skylight of Pryor (Yes that was her full name), JJ, Doc, Blue, Bo, Claude, and now I have three GrandDogs – Pixie, Hazel and the one and only Buddy! If you feel the need to judge. Knock yourself out. I don’t care.
Buddy Coming Home from Day 1 & surprising Kade!
Also don’t try to tell me how to train, treat, or feed my dogs. You are waisting your time! This is what I tell young coaches. Don’t try to be someone else. Be you and add all the God you can! If you want to put a shock collar on your dog, just do it. I am pretty sure some coaches would put shock collars on players, if they were allowed. I choose a different approach over fear myself. Sorry if i just stepped on your toes. Forgive me. As I said, You do You!
If you happen to follow my social media, my love for dogs comes to no surprise to you as the last two years you have watched a little standard poodle puppy named “Buddy” turn into a 70 plus pound fishing dog that goes everywhere with me. He stands about 6ft tall now and he is one amazing GrandDog!
Buddy the Cow Dog. Tail is locked in!
Over the years we had a Boxer, two Springer Spaniels, A Border Collie, a Lab/Chow Mix, a Lhasa Apso, and two Bichon Frise. I have always heard Poodles were half human, but I didn’t believe it until Buddy. Two of my GrandDogs are Doodles, one is a Malti-Poo and the other a Aussie-Poo. Only Buddy is Full Poo! Yup, half human.
At a OKWU Game with a Buddy!
Buddy watches TV, fishes, coaches, pretends to be an emotional support animal and can pretty much drive my truck. He uses his paws like hands, is smarter than many humans I know and his eyes are not like other dogs. They just aren’t. I always thought poodles were fufu dogs with stupid looking hair cuts and I always said there was no way I would own one, but when my wife gave my son restrictions of no shedding on getting a dog, Kade researched and said he wanted a Standard Poodle, because he wanted a big dog.
He ain’t no lil Puppy No More!
What I didn’t know was Standard Poodles are hunting dogs. They have webbed feet like Labs to swim, and the reason people cut their hair around their joints were so they could swim since their hair is like human hair and weighs them down in water. They are graceful much like a Clydesdale in how they move and are considered one of the smartest breeds of dogs. Just a few poodle facts for you.
The result of all of that was us getting Buddy for my son for Christmas two years ago. When we went to pick him up from the breeder, there were four puppies left, three white females and Buddy. The puppies were in a kiddie swimming pool. The three white females were going crazy trying to jump out of the pool, but sitting their in the middle of the pool chilling was this little black male poodle just looking straight through me with jet black eyes like he was doing some kind of Jedi mind trick on me. Our lives have never been the same.
That Look!
I’m sure many of you have your special dog, cat, horse, pig, or animal that means the world to you. I know God knew what He was doing when He made animals. Every time I come home my GrandDogs meet me at the door excited to see me. Tails going a million miles an hour demonstrating their love for me. They live to go fishing, on walks, to the DP, or just hang out. My wife calls them my posse. They follow me everywhere I go. Wouldn’t it be great if people had just half the love and loyalty of a dog?
The coolest thing I think God added to a dog is his tail. It is the one thing that defines a dogs heart. His tail tells you if he is happy, sad, mad, or ready to hunt by pointing at a bird. When a dog is happy he simply can’t stop his tail from wagging. It is like a joy meter. The faster it wags the more joy the dog has.
BudderCup At His Best!
Humor me as I make this goofy example just for kicks. Imagine you were a dog and Jesus is your owner. Do you live to see Him daily? Do you express your Joy to Him daily in such a loyal and loving way that He is overwhelmed by your desire to spend time with Him. Will you hunt for Him, by going after His lost sheep and bringing them to Him? Would you fight to protect Him or even more honestly lay down your life for Him if necessary?
Just a thought. If we were as loyal and loving to our Savior as Buddy is to me, then just imagine what we could help Jesus do to share the Good News! I believe we could and can bring emotional, physical and spiritual healing to a lost generation.