Drill Baby Drill

This post is dedicated to my dad David Bostwick on his Birthday. Born Jan 20, 1945 - Entered Heaven March 8, 2011. A Warrior and a King!


Living in Bartlesville Oklahoma, the original headquarters of Phillips Petroleum, these three words are not just ear candy, they are what brings life to our city. This fact remains. Without these three letters O-I-L in our lives, Bartlesville dies. The fact is without O-I-L, so do you!

This week was my dad’s birthday. He celebrated his 80th birthday in Heaven. Dad was a man’s man who was the ultimate boss. In the 80’s dad was the foreman responsible for building the Phillips Petroleum headquarters in downtown Bartlesville. A massive five year project that included massive sky scraping buildings, a cement pond, a gazebo, and much more. The buildings were made with giant Indiana limestones, bricks and many calloused hands, all paid for with O-I-L.

I rode in the back of dad’s truck an hour and a half one-way daily in the summers during those five years working for dad. It was some of the hardest work of my life. Yet what was disguised as hard work, was actually the birthing of a miracle. I sat on the corner daily eating lunch dreaming of someday becoming a college basketball coach leaving the dust and mortar clinging to me behind. What are the odds that Father God was listening to my prayers and would pour out His O-I-L from Heaven making that dream come true in the exact same location that dream was birthed!

You see there is an OIL way more valuable than this black crude under our feet. This OIL I am referring to is way more connected to the prosperity, blessings and favor of each of our lives, cities, and country. The OIL I am referring to flows from above instead of below and it is time we all DRILL BABY DRILL like never before! 

Throughout the Bible, OIL is used as a powerful metaphor for the Holy Spirit, symbolizing His presence, power, and work in the lives of believers. In ancient Israel, OIL was not only a valuable commodity but also a vital element. Anointing with OIL was a practice that set individuals apart for God’s special purposes, be it kings, priests, or prophets. This anointing wasn’t merely a ritual; it signified the outpouring of God’s Spirit, equipping and empowering individuals for their divine calling.

This OIL anointed and empowered an unbeatable King named David. It is exactly how David became the Warrior King! When the Oil was poured out on Him anointing Him as King, the Bible says the Holy Spirit came upon him and never left! Seeking more of this OIL should be at the top of our daily to do list! 

So how do you find, buy, or should I say receive this OIL? It works just the opposite from drilling for crude. First of all, it seeks you more than you seek it and it has already been bought with an incredible price. How do you receive more? Instead of drilling for more, you simply pour out all your OIL at the feet of King Jesus. 

The Formula 

  • Seek First the King with All Your Heart
  • Use ALL the Oil (The Holy Spirit) inside you to be both guided and empowered in this quest to Seek the King with ALL you have inside you. 
  • Believe with Faith in the Promises of our King. Believe that when we chase after the King with a gait that only the Holy Spirit’s power can supply you will find our King! 
  • What is the Result of Drilling Up instead of down?
  • The Result is a life changing Encounter with our King. With just one Word, a single Promise, and/or a simple Touch from our King the Heavens open Wide and Heavenly OIL (Anointing, Blessings, and Favor) pours over you just as it did on King David and Aaron.
  • Next Step (Repeat over and over the same formula). To learn more details about the formula read the instruction book daily. King Jesus will reveal to you exactly how to defeat and overcome every weapon and attack of the enemy, he will do so while showering you with His blessings and favor! 

How does this relate to Sports? Ask Notre Dame and Ohio State players exactly how it relates! 

To begin your study on oil and the Holy Spirit, here are three Bible verses—1 Samuel 16:13, Psalm 23:5, and Acts 10:38. Explore what the Bible teaches us about anointing with oil. Anointing with oil signifies being set apart for God’s purposes and receiving His empowerment. David’s journey from a shepherd boy to a mighty king is a great example of this.

Here is a little sneak peak to what you are going to find: 

In our lives, the Holy Spirit empowers us to fulfill God’s purposes, equipping us with gifts and strength beyond our natural abilities.

Drilling is tough. You are going to hit obstacles that seem impossible to penetrate or breakthrough. The adversary loves adversity. It is one of his strongest weapons. James 1:2 gives us the drill bit that goes right through adversity. It is called Pure Joy. The Bible says Jesus had more Joy than all his disciples combined. Through the Holy Spirit we can overcome any and all weapons or obstacles the enemy tries to stop us with. We have no excuses. We have one mission! 

It’s Time to Drill Baby Drill!