
I recently heard two people I respect greatly use an adjective that I feel is worth repeating. They both used the adjective “HARD” when making their point. Legendary Coach Mike Leach after a big win spoke to his team in detail about how they will always remember doing “Hard” things. 

The second person I admire that chose the adjective HARD to express her point was Kansas City Chiefs Gracie Hunt. The former Miss Kansas is incredibly successful and a strong woman of God! In her interview with Sports Spectrum she spoke about encouraging herself before running a marathon. “You can do this! You have done Hard Things”. She goes on to express the importance of making it a habit of doing hard things and never allowing yourself to quit or avoid hard challenges. 

This principle is also one of the best lessons my father ever taught me! I can hear my dad now, “Son, never run from something hard or a challenge!” Dad was a man of few words. He usually said something once, then just gave me the glare that brought those words back to my memory very quickly. 

Father God is a little more loving in His approach. The Word of God tells us the Joy of the Lord is our strength and that through Christ Jesus we can do ALL things! How powerful is it that God promises each of us that absolutely nothing is impossible through His son, especially “Hard Things”!

So dream bigger and start looking for HARD THINGS to conquer in your life. Chances are you won’t even have to look for them, because life will bring them your way. If you allow them, these HARD THINGS will become your testimony and witness for all the world to see Jesus in you. 

Truth is you will either learn to own these HARD THINGS or they will someday own you robbing you of your dreams.

God allows circumstances (HARD THINGS) into our lives to prepare us for greater things. Jesus both warns and encourages us about this in John 16:33, “In these things I have spoken to you that you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulations (HARD THINGS), but be of good cheer because I have overcome the world.”

Start teaching your kids, players, and yourself the value of doing HARD THINGS! When this choice matures from becoming a new habit to becoming a lifestyle, then be prepared to watch your life soar to places only God can take you!