I Must Praise God

It is time for College Basketball. Praise God!
When praying about our team’s theme this season, I heard a message titled “What is your I Must” by Jentezen Franklin. I knew immediately God had dropped the answer to my prayer right out of heaven.
The first statement we read in the Bible that comes out of Jesus mouth is found in Luke 2:49. Jesus at age 12 has been lost for three days. Like any great mom, Mary is at the end of her rope with worry. “And He said to them, why did you see me? Did you not know that I MUST be about my Father’s Business!“
Jesus did not take long sharing with us our “I Must” mission. If you want to be like your King, then you MUST be about our Father’s Business!
Young people, Jesus was not even a teenager yet when He declared his mission. Don’t hide behind your youth! It is time to find your “I MUST”!
In Luke 4:43 Jesus declared His purpose!
“I MUST preach the Kingdom of God. For this purpose I have been sent!”
Later Jesus, as a true coach, declares in John 10:14-16. “I AM the good shepherd… Therefore I MUST bring them together as one flock with One Shepherd.”
Two obvious declarations Jesus made:
1- I Am, therefore I Must! Both His Identity and His Purpose!
2- Seek Me first and I will give you all things you need, including an I MUST
There is a difference in what you want to do and what you must do. Wrestle until your I MUST wins. Don’t sacrifice your I MUST for an I want! You don’t walk away from what you Must do! No Fear nor Pain stops anyone committed to an “I MUST”!
Jesus was filled with the Power of the Holy Spirit without measure. He promised to send that same power to anyone and everyone who chose to seek Him with all our hearts!
In John 16:7 Jesus promises us that power. I MUST go, because “here’s the truth: It’s to your advantage that I go away, for if I don’t go away the Divine Encourager will not be released to you. But after I depart, I will send him to you.”
Jesus “I MUST” was never more obvious than when He allowed the enemy to torture and brutal crucify Him on a cross for you and me.
Approximately 500 soldiers, a Roman cohort, showed up to capture Jesus. One of my favorite demonstrations of Jesus’ power and love came in his most difficult moment. Jesus wakes up His three best friends for the third time, then plays His role in the greatest showdown in history.
“Who you looking for?” Jesus ask the approaching soldiers carrying torches and swords. “Jesus of Nazareth” a soldier responds. Jesus declares, “I AM He”! Which knocks the entire military unit on their cans. Jesus walks up and drops my favorite line one more time. “Who you looking for?”
Peter, feeling the power of the Holy Spirit pouring out of Jesus, grabs a sword and goes after Malchus, the high priest servant cutting off his ear. Jesus responds, “Put your sword away. I MUST drink from the cup that the Father has given me.””
John 18:3-11 CEV
Jesus voluntarily endured all our sin on the cross. Will you voluntarily find your “I MUST” to bring our King Glory!
2 Corinthians 5 declares, “For we MUST all stand before Christ to be judged! For the good and bad we have done!”
Jesus explained that you MUST be born again to enter the Kingdom of God. He also emphasized that you Must operate in the Power of the Spirit to fulfill His Mission!
In Revelations 1:1 Jesus revealed himself to His beloved friend John once again with a very important message for us. “I’m here to tell you the things that MUST come to past!”
The clock is ticking before the final horn is blown by Gabriel. The Day that Jesus MUST come back again! Until that day and hour we Must be about our Father’s Business!
Where do you start? Seek Him with all your Heart! This would be a great place to start!