Let’s Ride this Wave of Fear!


Nothing frustrates me more than a player who is really good in practice, but disappears when the scoreboard is turned on. A player who looks great warming up, but when the fans fill the seats all production goes out the door. They talk big game and look good in their high dollar sneakers, but truth is it is more about their appearance and their image than it is about their production.

Why is it that so many believe in Jesus, but seem to have very little faith in Him as our Savior? Even the demons believe in Jesus, so what separates them from a child of God. The words “Faith” and “Believe” are often used interchangeably in the Bible, but in our everyday communication, these two words often have very little in common. When push comes to shove, many struggle placing their faith in Christ. They stop at the simple understanding that He is real. Calling themselves Christians, talking big game, putting on their Sunday best, but as soon as life gets tough their faith disappears into the darkness.

2 Corinthians 5: 1-10 goes in detail about the battle we face daily putting our faith in Christ and not in what the world has to offer.

When fear rises in a crisis, your level of faith in Christ will be exposed!

Many people say they believe in God, but do not understand why they are not having peace and joy along with blessings and answers. What is the difference in a player that only looks good in practice compared to a player who performs their best in the heat of a championship game? 

This pandemic came straight from hell. It is intended to kill, steal, and destroy. It is laced with fear, anxiety, panic, and depression. It has been like a tidal wave that has swept over the world like nothing we have seen in our lifetime. We have all felt this wave of fear. We can either let is drown us, or we can conquer it through the greater power living in us!

Have you ever seen the surfers that live for these ginormous waves? They live for the day when the storm comes so they can finally break out their faithful surfboard to turn the wave from a killer to a killer example of the power that lies within them. It is time that we demonstrate our unconquerable faith in is Jesus Christ. We show the world the power within us called the Holy Spirit. It is time that the added pressure of the crisis sorts the pretenders from the true believers.

Being an Apologetic is being prepared to defend what you believe. One of my mentors, who has spent his most of his life as a missionary among some of the most dangerous people groups on earth, gave me some advice that I will never forget. He told me, “the most powerful Apologetic is a ‘Living Apologetic’. Anyone can tell you what they believe, few actually live it!”

What a great time to be a living example of a follower of Christ! Are you game ready? Have found out you found during this time of crisis that your security was too much in the comfort of your life, instead of in Jesus? If you have found your security to be in the comfort of your daily life, but are now feeling lost and alone, then what a perfect time to change!

As a church body, we do a good job of trying to get people to say “the prayer” for salvation, but now more than ever, it is the time for all of us to make a true commitment to see what the TRUE answer is!

Christ and Him crucified. Mathew 7:21-23

Most Americans have been blessed and experience a relatively easy life. Sure, we have missed some shots or even turned it over a few times. We need to make sure that everyone, yourself first, then loved ones, then everyone whom Christ puts you into contact with are ready. Will you be ready when God tells Gabriel to blow the trumpet? When that game day comes will you be game ready?

The last month has shown us all that things can change in a hurry, way faster than we ever dreamed. There has never been a time like this, but there has never been an opportunity like this either!

Photo by Linus Nylund on Unsplash