As we enter Post Season Playoff Time during my time seeking God, I felt I heard God say the word “Move”.
The word “Move” means many things. All of them have one common denominator and that is leaving where you are currently located! The old TV show called the Jefferson’s had a theme song called “Movin on Up”.
“Move” is an interesting word when it comes to basketball as well. When a player attacks their opponent on offense, it is referred to as a “Move”. You can’t advance as a player or team unless you are able and focused on moving forward.
Let’s take this thought to another level. When a group moves it is called a “Movement” and there is something profoundly powerful when you refer to something as a movement.
This all started when a memory came to my mind regarding a song that came on the radio in the moment my father went to Heaven. After a yearlong battle with cancer, in which I was seeking for a miracle for dad, the best way I can describe what happened was it was the driest season of my life.
Despite my prayers, fasting, and seeking, I experienced nothing in regard to sensing God’s presence or that He was hearing my cries. It wasn’t until the moment when I got in my automobile when leaving the emergency room of my son’s emergency appendix surgery, that this all changed.
I had left my father’s side in the hospital in Joplin, Missouri to rush home in the middle of the night in a lightning storm to see my son, whose appendix had burst. Dad told me, “Go see your boy, you need to be strong and courageous son.” I knew there was a good chance that it would be the last time I saw my dad this side of Heaven, but I had to obey.
Leaving the emergency room, while getting into my automobile, I took a deep breath. I was beyond exhausted. I was at the end of my rope in many ways. The enemies attack had taken a toll on my fire. He was dousing it with buckets of ice water while trying to remove every ounce of my hope.
It was in my weakest moment that God Moved!
As I turned the key, the song “I Dare You to Move” by Switchfoot came on the radio, it was in that very moment that God poured out His love on me. It was like a dam broke loose in Heaven. What I so desperately had prayed for had finally happened. My father was healed. Not like I had hoped, but even better He was face to face with Jesus!
My mother called in that very moment to tell me that Dad was going to see Jesus. I told her I knew. The second the song had come on the radio, God had poured out His love, peace, and a fresh inner strength that would carry me for weeks. The song “I Dare You to Move” has been in my Spirit ever since.
Flashback to this week. I have heard that song 100’s of times, but this time it seemed completely different. Before I had heard it seem to tell me put all the pain behind me and keep living and loving. This time I heard the following. “I Dare You to move to a place you have never been before! A place Only I can take you!” Leave your comfort zone and all the habits, fears, and anything that is holding you back and move with Me!”
The morning after hearing “I Dare you to Move” in my Spirit, I opened YouTube to search for a message to listen to. The first message that popped up was titled “It is Time to Move”, from Pastor Jentezen Franklin. It was like God was speaking straight to me. I love when that happens.
During Covid we hosted an outdoor mission trip to our own city called Freedom Fire. My prayer during that time was that I did not want just another concert, I asked the King for a Move of God! A desire a Revolutionary Movement that will change the atmosphere and our location forever!
Like Jacob, who went from Luz to Bethel to Peniel to Isreal! You should study that one if I lost you!
What I have come to understand is that all powerful moves begins with someone boldly obeying the King! When that someone demonstrating daring bold faith convinces a group to join them as a unified force, then you have a Movement!
David told his son Solomon exactly this!
“Be strong and courageous, and take action; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you nor abandon you [but will guide you] until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord.” 1 Chronicles 28:19-20 AMP
Twice in the Bible the same principle shows up. Both in Exodus 12:8 and Acts 12:8. God tells his people to be prepared to move. Get your shoes on, tighten up your belt, and have your staff in hand!
When you are seeking Him with All your Heart and expectingly looking for God to move, then you are creating an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to work in and through you taking you places that you are unable to reach on your own. By choosing to be an empty vessel for Christ to use as He so chooses, you enter the no limits zone. All things become possible!
There is only One Goal and One Mission, and that is becoming a Powerful Move of God to bring Jesus Glory with the Hope of bringing lost souls to the Savior!