No Limits


One of two things set your limits. Either your mind or your faith and without faith it is impossible to please God.  So why would you allow your mind to control your destiny?

Your mindset most often controls who you become and dictates how far you can go! That is unless you hear, believe, and obey the Word and promises of God, because with God there are no limits! 

Genesis 18:14, “Is there anything to difficult for God?” Job 42:2, “Anything that God sets His Heart and Hand to do can’t be stopped!” Ephesians 4:11 says God gives each of us unique gifts to do the Will of the Father in and through us!

In God’s Presence is where we become Strong! Col 1:29 in the Amplified classic says God will provide Superhuman Energy.  “For this I labor [unto weariness], striving with all the superhuman energy which He so mightily enkindles and works within me.”Colossians‬ ‭1:29‬ ‭AMPC‬‬

The fullness of Joy is our Strength and the Joy of the Lord is our Strength! It is like a protein shake from heaven. The Bible says it is like !

God will not give us a task without an anointing to do it. Stop Stopping Yourself. The only person that can limit you is you, when you have the Lord on your side. No weapon formed against you can stop you! 

Become a professional by professing who you are in and through Christ Jesus, who provides all the strength you need. Profess this to the enemy aloud! I am a son or daughter of the most high God. I am unstoppable exceptional warriors. 

Don’t Settle!

Psalms 84:11 He will be a son and a shield to us. No good thing will He withhold for those walking upright. He will give us present day favor, future glory, honor, splendor, and heavenly Bliss!

Do you want to elevate yourself to another level that seems impossible, then seek His Presence like Never Before! 

He always makes a Way! Cast off doubt!  Hope Wins. Jesus Won! We are called and empowered to win. He that has begun a good work in us will finish it. 

God anoints us with the power to accomplish His Plans! He actually uses fresh oil!. “I shall be anointed with a fresh oil that will release my anointing like a wild ox.” Psalms  92:10 Amp Classic

The King James articulates that promise in an interesting fashion. It says you will have the supernatural power of a unicorn. It seems the author is going above and beyond to tell us that we have limitless supernatural power waiting for us when we operate in the presence of God. there are no limits when we are led and empowered by the Holy Spirit! 

God tells David that exact promise at the end of 2 Samuel 12:8, “and if that had been too little, I would have given you much more!”

Quit playing. God don’t play. He says to tell the weak that they are strong

Profess your Prowess. I am Exceptional. I bestow exceptional effort, attitude, and thus I reflect my King

Isaiah 5:20, “Arise you prince and oil your shields, because the deadly enemy is at your gate.

Matt 6:6, Says to seek the Lord only! His Presence! His Glory!

Daniel 11:32b, “… but the people who do know God, they will display strength and they will take action.”

Get to know God, Study to show yourself approved. Avoid distraction. Don’t be destroyed by lack of action. God said He will not let you be ignorant concerning the devil. God has given you power to trample the enemy under your feet. Greater is in us than is in the World!

No weapon formed against us will prosper! Be courageous, demonstrate no fear! The Lord is with you! Jeremiah 29:11.

How? With Swift and Complete Obedience. As Quickly and Thoroughly as you can do anything and everything God ask you to do. With your whole heart and all your might! 

Be led by the Spirit!

Nehemiah 9:20 He gave his good spirit to instruct us. He will not withhold his instructions from His People.  

Acts says they were All In One Place and In One Accord with No Limits! Psalms 133:1-3 says where there is Unity, God commands His Blessing!