

Have you ever heard something come out of someone’s mouth and it hit you like a wrecking ball? I worked construction as a teen and once right before lunch my dad, who was running the crane, lowered a pallet of blocks. He said, “Don’t unhook the straps”, the pallet had swung slightly to make it off balance. Our guy on the mixer was deaf, so he did not hear the warning. I walked over near the pallet of blocks and bent over to pick up something. When the guy on the mixer unhooked the strap from the crane ball, the wrecking ball swung right at me. Dad yelled just as the ball was fixing to nail me in the jaw. I had a split second to get my momentum falling away to minimize the damage, but the wrecking ball knocked a few of my teeth loose and busted my ear drum. Thank you Lord God for giving me a hard head, but I did experience my first headache that day. Dad put me on a ladder by myself the rest of the day and said just act like you’re working. We only had a couple hours left of work. My dad was nails and I thank God for the work ethic and toughness he instilled in me daily, but that wrecking ball was definitely a moment in time, I will never forget.

How much more powerful are words than wrecking balls? Especially when they nail you straight in the heart? The Bible says words are like a two edged sword and that the Power of life and death are in words coming from the tongue. Do you remember that moment when words you heard someone say simply could not have come from the person speaking, because the words screamed at you to listen to them in a way that was not from this world?

While fighting an intense spiritual battle on a nightly basis in preparation for hosting a worship concert on September 19, an event called Freedom Fire, my beautiful wife who I love so much, said these exact words, “When this obsession is over, will you do a few things for me I need done around the house?”

It was actually a very good question and I said “sure honey” when Freedom Fire is over I promise I will get to those things. At the same time, I looked at her intently to see if she was aware that her choice of words had struck me like an arrow straight through my heart. She had never used the word “obsession” before to my recollection when it came to her thoughts about me, especially when it came to my relationship with God. Did she do so in frustration to throw a low blow my way? No, it was like it just slipped out as though she used the word “Obsessed” daily. That word has been heavy in my spirit ever since.

Today in my devotion God spoke to why. My Devotion was focused on God wanting our hearts to burn as hot for Him, as His heart burns for us. The challenge!

Make it our OBSESSION, oh Lord, to please you!

Oh, I’ve been accused of and self accused myself of having a little OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) at times. I personally believe it is a gift, if given in the right measure. When I walk into a gym, I take notice to anything and everything I see that throws off my focus. I line up chairs, throw away trash, clean backboards, and do whatever else necessary to make me feel better aligned to succeed.

Growing up, I was without a doubt obsessed with the game of basketball. It was constantly on my mind. It brought me joy and at times pain. It has been good to me, but in the end I have come to understand, it is just a game. It is now just a part of my ministry. My obsession has matured looking past my gift, to the Giver of Gifts! God’s word says He will give you the desires of your heart, that is, if you seek Him with all your heart! Sounds like obsession to me.

How much passion for Jesus does it take, before we are obsessed for Him? In my experience, when my passion finally has reached obsession, that is when I have experienced encounters and miracles that only the God of the Impossible can bestow. Why would I want that to ever be over?

Please, oh Lord, don’t let our obsession end. You showed up and showed us Your Glory like You promised you would, now let this be the beginning of something greater, something that only you can do. Just a small taste of your Power, Presence, and Glory satisfies the human soul, but we ask and petition for you to give us more. Make the fire you placed burning in us contagious and overflowing until the whole world is obsessed for more of You! May you always be our OBSESSION!

Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash