Summer Worship – Endless Burn


Starting off with 3 Amazing Worship Songs that will help you begin your summer on Fire!

  1. Hillsong United – Good Grace (for the acustic version click here )
  2. Brandon Lake – This is a Mov
  3. Vertical Worship – Yes I will

It was the last day of school for my kids today in “The Ville”. It has been a crazy week of tornado warnings and flooding. One of the craziest I can remember in my near 50 years of living in Tornado Ally. 10″ of rain followed by a 5″ of rain two days later will help you know a little what Noah might have felt like.

When I mention the word ‘Burn’ in the Bostwick household, the first thing that comes to mind for my kids is sunburn as we tend to sunburn in the shade. My two oldest children went to the beach over spring break and both had short term memory loss not putting on sunscreen resulting in brutal sunburns. Can’t imagine what it would feel like spending eternity in much more brutal pain in a lake of fire. I know I don’t plan on finding out.

This blog is not about sunburn though, instead it was inspired by a single little log. After a day of rain all of our firewood was soaked. Sheri and the kids wanted a campfire though, so they decided to break out a fire starter log. It was no time that the starter log had even set the wet wood ablaze. It turned into an enjoyable night around the fire with Sheri and the kids.

When the time come to put out the fire and go to bed, Sheri went and grabbed a couple large cups of water. After her third trip with two large cups of water she came to the conclusion that the fire log was most likely had been extinguished. The next morning when she went out back to the fire pit, she was surprised to see the fire log was red hot and still burning. When Sheri told me about the fire log, for some reason all I could think about was how awesome would it be to be that on fire for Jesus.

Despite satan’s attempt to drown you in fear or doubt, through the power of the Holy Spirit, you become more on fire for Jesus love. So on fire that that even in the heat of a big game you feel only the power of the Holy Spirit rising up in you. Even in the middle of a cold shooting or batting slump your confidence increases because you know that when you are weak, the Spirit of God will make you stronger increasing your fire!

I find it interesting that the Bible talks so much about Fire. One fire is our greatest helper in the Holy Spirit, while the other form of fire mentioned is waiting for many in hell. What is the difference between in the two? Choosing whether to be baptized by fire compared or be damned to the fiery pit does not seem like a difficult decision.

Like the three Hebrew Boys that fearlessly entered the fiery furnace, I strive to have faith that says, “Even if God chooses not to save me, I will still praise Him! I often pray for the Holy Spirit to set me and my players on fire so that even if satan throws hell at us, we will not even feel the burn. I love the thought process that the Holy Spirit can help you defeat satan and his demons, not by keeping you out of the fire, but instead turning you into the fire.

I am in no way taking it lightly that hell is going to be a constant burning that makes a bad sunburn feel like pleasure. An eternity of unrelenting pain and gnashing of teeth is not the fire you should be striving for! The gift of the fire of the Holy Spirit is what so many people are missing in their lives. Start seeking today!