The Ultimate Warrior


I loved championship wrestling growing up. I began watching it at my Granny Sue’s. How do you not like the Junk Yard Dog or the Macho Man Randy Savage! One of my ultimate favorites was the Ultimate Warrior. What a name!

Who is the actual Ultimate Warrior? Hollywood gives you plenty of superheroes and macho men to choose from. Hugh Jackman, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson are a few that come to mind, We are also given star athletes as an option of choice. Many of who name themselves nicknames to promote their name. It would be very easy for me to choose my earthly father my Ultimate Warrior for the daily sacrifices he made for me and my family, but there is only one Ultimate Warrior!

Before I unveil His name, let me take a few minutes to define a Warrior.

Webster defines a warrior as a person engaged or experienced in the art of warfare. Another definition I found is a warrior is a brave or experienced soldier or fighter.

Is there a difference in a soldier and a warrior? One of my players said it best, “Anyone can volunteer or be drafted to be a soldier. A Warrior just is.”

A Warrior just is! You don’t become a Warrior by calling yourself one, it takes others to define you as Warrior. If you have to call yourself a warrior, then you ain’t one!

Are all Warriors leaders? I agree with Notre Dame Football Coach Marcus Freeman who says there are levels of warriors. If you take care of their own business but fail to lead and hold others around you to the standard required to win major victories, then he says you fall short of his definition of a warrior.

One of the most prized parts of my heritage is that my grandfather was an original Navy Seal. That means I have a Warrior’s blood flowing through my veins. My wife has both Cherokee Indian Chief Dragging Canoe and Abraham Lincoln in her bloodline, Two great Warriors!
It is impossible to become a Navy Seal without being a member of a Seal Team. Thus it requires you to be both a Warrior and a Leader! That is another reason I love team sports. To be a Warrior on the court or field, this same principle applies.

Are all Warriors Champions? I guess that goes back to others defining you and your definition of a Champion.
My wife is without a doubt a warrior, leader, and champion. She is a kids pastor who fights spiritual wars daily. She teaches children how to become warriors by teaching them to put on the armor of God daily. She is a leader of leaders directing a staff of a dozen volunteer warriors weekly to help prepare these young Warriors in training. Is she a Champion? A 100% she is a Champion! She has elevated herself to Elite Warrior status, or should I say her King has promoted her because of her bravery, commitment, and actions daily on the battlefield.

So according to my theory of who a warrior is, let us take a moment to summarize.

  • Others, not you, decide if and what level of Warrior you are.
  • All you can do is produce actions that define you! As my player said, “A Warrior just is!”
  • True Warriors are Leaders and Champions

That is my belief. You could call that my Creed. A creed is a set of guiding principles or beliefs. Etymology. Middle English crede “creed,” from Old English crēda (same meaning), from Latin credo, literally, “I believe” (used as the first words in many creeds), from credere “to believe, trust, entrust”.

A few years back I took the Navy Seals Creed and converted it into a Creed for my team. I believe reading this creed may better help you understand what makes a warrior!

The Eagles Creed

When worshipping on and off His Court, there is a special breed of warrior ready to answer His call. Chosen and equipped with an uncommon desire to succeed. Forged through adversity, we stand full of the power of the Holy Spirit ready morning, noon, and night to defeat the darkness. I am that warrior.

We seek the Kingdom, because we know everything else will be added. The Cross is a symbol of victory over death. Bestowed upon me by the heroes of the faith that have gone before, it embodies the promise of resurrection power available to all who believe. By accepting Christ Jesus as our risen Savior, I accept the responsibility of my chosen way of life. It is a privilege that I do not have to earn, but have the honor of sharing every day.

My loyalty to Christ and His Team is beyond reproach. I humbly serve as a watchman to my fellow believer, always ready to defend and attack for the sake of the Kingdom. I do not advertise the nature of my work, nor seek recognition for my actions. I voluntarily accept the inherent suffering of my position, placing the welfare and security of others before my own.

I serve with honor at all times. The ability to control my emotions and my actions, regardless of circumstance, sets me apart from others. Uncompromising integrity is my standard. My character and honor are steadfast in Christ Jesus. The Word is my Light and The Holy Spirit is my guide.

We expect to lead and be led. We walk by faith not by sight, knowing our King is in charge. I will lead my teammates to accomplish our mission. I lead by example in all situations.

I will never quit. I persevere and thrive on adversity, while considering trials pure joy. My God calls me to walk not in my might, nor in my power, but in His Spirit against my enemy. If knocked down, I will get back up, every time.
Father commands His angels to protect, defend and guard me. They will lift me up in their hands, so that I never fall short.
I will draw on every remaining ounce of His strength to protect my teammates and to accomplish His mission. I can do all things through Jesus Christ, who gives me strength. As a result, I am never out of the fight.

We are born again disciples choosing the righteous path daily. The lives of my teammates and the success of our Father’s mission depend on the gifts God has placed in me – my technical skill, tactical proficiency, and attention to detail. My training is never complete.

We train for spiritual warfare and fight to win. I stand ready to bring the full spectrum of Holy Ghost power to bear in order to achieve my mission and the goals established by my Lord Jesus Christ. The execution of my duties will be swift and violent when required yet guided by the Biblical principles that I serve to defend.

Brave followers have fought the good fight and died sharing the love of Jesus Christ that I am blessed to uphold. In the worst of conditions, those of us who wait upon GOD get fresh strength. We spread our wings and soar like eagles, We run and don’t get tired, we don’t fail. Why, because He never fails.

This Creed points you to the Ultimate Warrior

Jesus Christ

I could share all day about the actions, leadership, feats, and accomplishments of this Warrior. No Warrior has ever been as dominant and perfect as Jesus. Exodus 15:3 says, “The LORD is a warrior; Yahweh is his name!”.
Jesus is the Ultimate Warrior because of the extreme measure of sacrifice He was willing to go for His Team. Knowing what was coming, He willingly surrendered himself as a lamb without a fight to be beaten, mocked, tortured, humiliated, and ultimately crucified for you and me! Why? So that through His strength, we can become Ultimate Warriors! Not by our power or our might, but by the same power that Jesus used to overcome ALL the enemy had to offer!

Jesus returned to the Throne at the right hand of the Father God and sent another Warrior named The Holy Spirit back to us so that we would be capable of becoming an exact image of the Ultimate Warriors! The Holy Spirit is an undefeated unstoppable warrior inside you that will lead, guide, and empower you to do the impossible! It is critical that you develop a close intimate relationship daily with the Warrior in order to become a great Team because together you can do anything you can ask or dream!
The Word and Promises of God are the Ultimate Warrior Creed. It’s time you open up that Creed and start studying to become what God created you to be!