A Passionate Persevering Fire (Part 3)


In 2007, while considering whether I should apply for the head coaching position at Oklahoma Wesleyan University, I briefly researched the history and doctrines of the Wesleyan Church. I had heard of Wesleyan Universities growing up, but to my knowledge, there had not been any Wesleyan Churches in towns I had grown up in. As a result, I was unaware of exactly what the Wesleyan Church believed.

Once I did my research, I was excited to find a sound doctrine pointing completely to Jesus Christ as our Savior, while also believing that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. Thus, I became the head basketball coach at Oklahoma Wesleyan University.

Recently, my pastor shared that he had been studying the history of revival. He said his research had brought him to one of the most inspiring revivalist in history. His name was John Wesley.

I was familiar a little with the history of John Wesley and his connections to the Moravians, George Whitfield, and his amazing evangelical tree that has impacted millions.

This statement I found I regarding Wesley really stood out to me. Wesley felt the church has failed to call sinners to repentance, that many of the clergy were corrupt, and that people were perishing in their sins. He believed he was commissioned by God to bring about revival in the church, and no opposition, persecution, or obstacles could prevail against the divine urgency and authority of this commission”. Does this not sound like the world we live in today?

How could a man in the early 1700’s start a revival that continues to spread throughout the World today? His fingerprints remain on countless denominations, universities, and souls?

What drove John Wesley to believe with such passion the he must and would stop at nothing to save as many souls as he could before going to heaven? I find it both sad and ironic that we find ourselves facing nearly the exact scenario that Wesley faced in the 1700’s. I believe it is easy to argue that we face an even worse and more evil world than what inspired Wesley to start a revival.

What I did not know, was what my pastor shared next about John Wesley. After reading his diary below, you will understand exactly why it has inspired me. I believe it is exactly why revival is so difficult to revive. It is like starting a fire with no matches in a wet forest. You have plenty of wood that can burn, but nobody passionate enough to stir up a Fire.


Sunday, Morning, May 5 – Preached in St. Anne’s. Was asked not to come back anymore.

Sunday, Night, May 5 – Preached in St. John’s. Deacons said “Get out and stay out.”

Sunday, Morning, May 12 – Preached in St. Jude’s. Can’t go back there, either.

Sunday, Morning, May 19 – Preached in St. Somebody Else’s. Deacons called special meeting and said I couldn’t return.

Sunday, Afternoon, May 19 – Preached on street. Kicked off street.

Sunday, Morning, May 26 – Preached in meadow. Chased out of the meadow as bull was turned loose during service.

Sunday, Morning, June 2 – Preached out at the edge of town. Kicked off the highway.

Sunday, Afternoon, June 2 – Afternoon, preached in a pasture. Ten thousand people came out to hear…

We want change, we want a mighty move of God, we want revival, but are we willing to do what it takes?

God sent His son and Jesus willingly was crucified, so that we would have the Power and Fire to do what is needed to save souls! Jesus said, “I must go, so I can send back the power in the person of the Holy Spirit to you,” He did so that we would have everything necessary to do exactly what John Wesley did 300 years ago!

Lord, increase our faith and understanding, so that we fully realize that through your victory at Calvary, we have been given both the authority and the power of the Holy Spirit to step on the head of the enemy and overcome every weapon he attempts to use to stop us. Give us the boldness, strength, and perseverance needed to start a revival fire capable of bringing a powerful harvest of souls and entire Nations to you!

Holy Spirit fill us and give us a fresh anointing of your power. Set us on fire, so we can save, set free, and set souls on fire for King Jesus.