Work, Play, Pray, Preach, Worship


I have always heard coaches and athletes use the word “Work” when motivating athletes, I am guilty of it as well. 

“Go to Work”, “Do Work”, or “Work Hard”. 

My dad gave me a picture perfect understanding of exactly what “Work” is compared to “Play” when I was only a teenager!

My dad was a Brick Mason Forman over a large crew. While in high school, over the summers, I pushed a wheel barrow, mixed cement, and moved concrete blocks as a labor on dad’s crew. They call the position a labor for a reason. We got up early and got home late. It was either hot or cold and your hands, feet and body were put through a daily brutal grind. There was no questioning whether it was work or play. 

I ask recruits all the time, other than sports, what is the hardest physical work you have ever done. Most say doing yard work or helping someone move. Their parents usually laugh and realize my point. 

I then say, “Not one day on that court is work in my opinion. If you don’t love basketball at another level, then at this level it will turn into work and you will quit.”

I prefer the term, “Play Hard” over “Work Hard”. The truth is neither work, nor is it a battle. We should do a better job of honoring the lives of our veterans who died giving their lives in real battle, by avoiding telling athletes they are going to war. Once again I am guilty often of throwing battle terms at my players in an attempt to motivate. Compete is a better choice of words.

A few years ago I saw a now pretty common phrase. “IN JESUS NAME WE PLAY!” It is obviously a play off praying in Jesus Name. I love the insinuation, but I am also big on being a man of my word. Talk is cheap and if action is a demonstration of your faith, then others should see something different on the court when they see you play. Honesty, integrity, honor, your work ethic, and your play are all directly tied to demonstrating your faith through your sport. 

Play Hard, Work Hard, and Pray Hard! 

Let’s take it one more level. I believe there are many ways to worship our God and King. I believe we are given gifts from God for a reason. I believe we are called to worship our King in all things including sports. 

We break huddle “Preach”. The definition of the word “Preach” is “To Deliver”, “To Publicly Proclaim”, or “To Earnestly Advocate”.  

When a recruit sends me a video to look at and he is playing with the same effort as the other players on the court, even if he is super gifted and talented, I rarely recruit him. 

Go hard for God in all areas! All the time and in all you do. Separate yourself, as a child of God, you are called, anointed, and gifted to be different!