Behind the Mask


One thing I miss in 2020 is seeing a smile instead of a mask. I find myself reading the eyes of a person whom I am approaching trying to predict what might be going on behind the mask. Are they happy, sad, or just surviving another day?

I love a good hockey goalie’s mask. To me they are some of the most intimidating masks in sports. I give them a distinct edge over baseball catcher’s masks and football helmets. The design of the mask reveals something that the goalie wants you to think about himself. For the Lone Ranger or Batman, a mask is meant to hide identity, not reveal it. As fun as mask can be, the mask was never meant to be an every day covering. We are made in God’s Image and God is not hidden behind any mask!

Traditions and religions have long utilized mask. The best example I can think of is the burka. For Muslims, the Headscarves are seen as a sign of modesty and a symbol of their religious faith, but not everyone agrees with them and in some countries, like France and Denmark, there’s even a ban on wearing garments that cover the face in public. I am not saying choosing to wear a burka is good or bad, but I am saying I believe we were not created to hide behind a mask.

The truth is, all of us at times walk around with mask that have nothing to do with Covid-19. We put on a smile, even though we are not happy. We act like we are a fixed, even when we are actually all broken. We act like we are Christians, but many rarely seek a close personal relationship with Jesus Chirst.

So many times the sports or entertainment heroes that you idolized while growing up let you down. When meeting them in person or hearing about their poor choices in life, we often realize they are no better than anyone else. Because of this, I have always been intrigued to find out who a person truly is behind their mask. Looking into their heart through their actions day after day, especially when under adversity, reveals a persons nature. It reveals their character.

I know we are all flawed and far from perfect, I make more mistakes than anyone, but the best type of apologetic is a living apologetic. Someone who lets his or her actions do their talking. Perception can be way off as you never know what is going on in a person’s life until you have the opportunity to truly get to know them. It is for this reason, when meeting someone for the first time, I try my best not to judge them.

My wife tells me that seeing the best in people is one of my best qualities, I sometimes think it is my only gift that matters. I try to give someone the benefit of a doubt even if my first impression is not so good. It is true that a person only gets one opportunity to make a good first impression, but never let this stop you from seeing who is really behind the mask.

There is unlimited power in forgiveness, yet it is possibly the most difficult tool to master.

I was blessed with the opportunity this past weekend, when hosting Freedom Fire 2020, to meet and spend a little time with some of the top vocal artist and musicians in all of Christian Music. What did I find?

I felt God led me to invite the following artist to be a part of the event:

We Are Messengers, Leanna Crawford, Kailey Abel, Aaron Michaels, B-Wade.

For four years my son had played a behind the scenes role in running concert events at the Mabee Center in Tulsa. Many of the most well known artist in the world came through. He told me sad stories of how different many of the artist were back stage compared to when they put their mask on when performing on stage.

As a result, I did my homework and both prayed and asked many people in the Christian music business about the hearts of each of the artists I felt led to invite. Yet, I still wondered what my experience would be and how each artist would respond if something went wrong during sound check, if we got behind on the original schedule, if I ordered them the wrong drink, or if they had to wait around for an extended time for a ride because something came up and I was the only one who could drive the people mover.

Yes, each of the above issues occurred. I was warned not to let things like this happen, yet on each and every one of these scenarios, all I was shown was Love, Grace, Understanding, and Forgiveness. What I got in return was a real genuine smile instead of a mask. All they showed me was a reflection of Jesus.

Tulsa, Oklahoma ya’ll really showed up last night & sent our last show of 2020 out w/ a bang. Definitely a night that…

Posted by Brian Clancy on Sunday, September 20, 2020
A small taste of the powerful evening at Freedom Fire 2020

I am so thankful for men and women of God, like these artist who share their gift, but don’t let the fame overcome the light God has bestowed upon them. We Are Messengers put a couple post on their social media about their weekend experience and that meant a lot to my players.

I felt this post by WAM’s bass guitar player Raul Aguilar Jr. best describes the heart of each of the artist who came to Freedom Fire 2020. I believe sharing his post is the perfect way to end this blog. I have never been more proud of one of my teams!

“What a night this was! On Saturday night we got to play in Oklahoma! I went into the night expectant for God to show up but boy did HE blow my mind! This was my favorite show of the year. Not because of anything great that we did, but had so much to do with Coach Donnie Bostwick and his basketball team from OKWU. They showed up!! I have never seen a group of young men worship so unapologetically and with such freedom! It changed me and honestly convicted me. I left and my heart and spirit are wanting to be filled up with Gods presence in a deeper new way!”

Photo by Andy Hall on Unsplash