Dare You to Move – SLC3 Part 3 – Even Jesus Loves the 3


Every Christian cherishes the story of David and Goliath. God has placed many David’s in my life. My father and my high school coach were both name David. Just a couple of the many reasons why I have long had a fascination with David in the Bible.  I actually stood last summer in the Valley of Elah, the same valley where David killed Goliath. It was a dream of mine to stand in the valley where that epic battle took place. I picked up five stones and imagined what it must have felt like to stand before that 6 cubit or 9’6” inch giant that day. I keep those five stones on my desk to remind me to strive to have the faith daily to take down giants for my King.

Goliath wore the 666 jersey of the enemy. 6 cubits tall, 6 toes, and 6 fingers. He was no challenge for an anointed David though, who boldly trusted God to guide his stone. David, after knocking the giant to the ground, takes Goliath’s sword and removes his head from his body. He then traveled by foot from the Valley of Elah to Jerusalem, which is eighteen miles of very mountainous terrain, taking the Philistine’s head to the site that would later become “The City of David”. Many believe the hill that David placed Goliath’s skull outside the city that day, is the same spot outside the city gates called “The Skull” or Golgotha where Jesus was crucified. What occurred 3 days after Jesus crucifixion changed everything!

I would love to share the entire story, but in time King Saul became jealous of David and begins trying to kill him. Saul’s son Jonathan becomes a close friend and helps warn David. David ends up hiding in caves. I spent the night near those caves. Sitting on top of a ridge overlooking the Dead Sea, I imagined what it must have been like for David. Night after night taking watch, singing, and praising God with songs and blogs post that you can find throughout Psalms. To be near those caves and the Spring of En Gedi was another dream come true.

During this time of hiding from King Saul’s army, David is joined by a group of what the Bible calls, Mighty Men. It is no surprise that in 1 Chronicles 12:4, it says that there are 30 of these Mighty Men.  I love reading about this band of brothers God brought to help David reach the throne. One of my favorite warriors is Benaiah.  He was the head of David’s guard (2 Samuel 23:23), led David’s army (1 Chroniicles 27:5-6), killed a lion on a snowy day (2 Samuel 23:20), killed two Moabite warriors (2 Samuel 23:20), and even killed a 5 cubit or 7’0” tall Egyptian giant by taking his spear from him and killing him with it (1 Chronicles 11:23). That is not all Benaiah did.  Wouldn’t it be amazing to be Benaiah or one of those 30? Would it not be even more amazing to be one of whom the Bible calls “The 3”? This would have required elite status and trust from David. Click on this link to see the exploits of these three and the others.

What about Jesus? In Part 2, I discussed how the number 3 definitely has God’s fingerprints all over the life and resurrection of Jesus. Did Jesus have a Special 3? John 6:66 is the only time the numbers 6-6-6 are mentioned in the New Testament. It says “many” chose to walk away and stop following the King of Kings on that day. Yes Jesus challenged them that day, but isn’t that exactly what a good coach is supposed to do?

After they walked away, only the 12 disciples remained. It is at this moment when Jesus picks the first of His 3. He asked the 12 disciples remaining if they were going to leave too? Peter responded, “Where would we go?” Jesus then asked Peter, “Then who do you think I am?” Peter was the first disciple to get it! Peter said, “You are the Messiah!” Prior to that, Peter’s name was Simon, but Jesus told Peter, “From now on you will be called Peter”, adding that he would be blessed. Not only that, but Jesus called Peter “the Rock”, and made him aware that he would be the foundation that His church would be built on.

Another bucket list item that I experienced, while in Israel, was going to the home of Peter near the Sea of Galilee. Peter fits the description of someone that most would pick as part of their entourage. He was a man’s man, a fisherman with an attitude. He had a crazy bone that allowed him to get out of the boat and walk on water, but it also got him in trouble quite a few times. He must have packed a knife, as he cut the soldiers ear off when they came to get Jesus. (No big deal) Jesus just slapped in back on. Have you ever wondered how in awe the soldiers were after Jesus did that miracle?

Who were the other two of Jesus 3? You would think that it might be his brother James, who was one of the 12 disciples. Jesus actually had multiple brothers and sisters. Yet it was not his brother James, but instead it was the brothers James and John, Sons of Zebedee. Some say these two were cousins of Jesus. Jesus actually named James and John the “Sons of Thunder”. How beast mode is that? Once, the two suggested that Jesus have fire come down from heaven and consume a Samaritan town that Jesus was not welcomed to enter. That sounds like a couple of guys you don’t want to mess with for sure. They also asked Jesus if they could be on His right and left hand when He entered His Kingdom. This was not a wise question, but definitely shows the partiality they knew they had with Jesus. James would be the first of the disciples to be martyred after Jesus crucifixion.  We will take a closer look at Jesus’ beloved John in a moment.

Do you need more evidence that these 3 were special to Jesus? In Mark 3:14-19, the disciples are appointed. Is it any surprise who the first 3 are or who the last 1 mentioned is? The Bible specifically points out that Jesus took these specific 3 friends on certain very important assignments. First, Jesus specifically calls for only these 3 to go to Jairus’ house to raise his daughter from the dead. Second, he only takes them to Mount Tabor, also known as the Mount of Transfiguration, where they hear God speak and proclaim whom Jesus is! Check out Matthew 17:1-9 to see what these 3 saw take place there! While in Israel, I met a girl that works at a National Park on a mountaintop overlooking the Sea of Galilee, who actually lives on the Mount of Transfiguration. How cool is that?

The final place Jesus took these 3 was the Garden of Gethsemane to pray prior to His arrest and crucifixion. They did not exactly impress anyone by falling asleep 3 times that night, prior to Judas selling Jesus out for 30 pieces of Silver, but Jesus trusted them and asked them specifically to go with Him each of these critical times in His ministry.

John did one more noteworthy thing, that I believe is worthy of mentioning. While Peter fell short by denying Jesus 3 times before the cock crowed, John is the only disciple the Bible mentions who went all the way to the cross with Jesus. Jesus, from the cross, honored John by asking him to watch over his mother and actually proclaimed that John would now be Mary’s son. This is my thought on this. Once Jesus asked John to watch over his mother, whom he obviously loved, Jesus had to keep John alive. John was the only disciple not to be martyred. Multiple historians of the day reported that John miraculously survived both being boiled in oil and poisoned. They finally had to send him to an island since they could not kill him. Check it out for yourself, by clicking this.

I would say that this qualifies John as a Special 3. God also later revealed Revelations to His beloved John.  John died of old age after living into his 80’s.

My question for you is this. “Don’t you want to strive to be someone that Jesus would pick to be one of his Special 3?” Peter, James, and John went on to do amazing things after receiving the power of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. You have the same right to that same Power. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to seek God with all you heart, to share his light with your players and the world, and to seek a platform to bring God Glory through your coaching ministry?

If so, I ask you to click on this link to become a SLC3 Coach.  By doing so you will join a movement, an emerging army of coaches that commit to making a difference for our King.  After Jesus death and resurrection, the disciples, or followers of Jesus, were now referred to as Apostles. Jesus asked them to wait before getting up and going out until He takes His place at the right hand of the Father and the Holy Spirit comes. So the power that Jesus walked in beginning at age 30, would now guide and empower them to do the same. Jesus actually said that the disciples, once filled with the Holy Spirit, would be able to do even greater things than He did. Jesus referred to it as being baptized by fire. No longer were they following, but now these men were being asked to be apostles by going out and spreading the love, salvation and redemption message of Jesus.

Jesus is asking us to do the same. Go to the lost, the broken. Do not fear the darkness, nor the storms, but instead seek and build a close intimate relationship with Jesus like the Special 3, Peter, James and John. Definitely don’t walk away as many followers did. Why settle for just being one of the 12, and possibly falling into a trap like Judas for only 30 pieces of silver? Why not go all in with your faith like the centurion, the only man in the bible that made Jesus marvel.

I believe God’s Promise in Deuteronomy 1:11 is going to take place as each coach commits to seeking Jesus at a higher level. Can you imagine a thousand times as many? Not only that, but the verse says, “and bless you as God promised”.  If you read further in Deuteronomy 30:16, then you will read the promise of God to increase and bless you for your commitment to Christ.

The title of this blog may mean nothing to you, but “Dare You to Move” are four words that God spoke to me in one of the most challenging moments of my life. From January 24th, 2009 to January 30th, 2010, I experienced one of the highest mountaintop experiences of my life. During that stretch of time, God blessed me with the experience of spending a special time with my father David Bostwick winning a National Championship and a NAIA D2 record 39 consecutive wins, which meant an entire calendar year without a single loss. Not only that, but my father and I traveled to the Final Four in Detroit where I received a NABC/NAIA National Coach of the Year honor. I fondly remember that time like it was yesterday. Why do I mention this? Because on February 11, 2010, my father found out he had kidney cancer. What followed was one of the most difficult valleys of my life. It was the longest drought as well. No matter how much I sought, I did not hear from God, see a miracle, or feel His presence.

At 2 A.M. I left my father’s side in a hospital in Joplin, MO knowing it would be the last time I would see him on earth. My wife called and let me know that my son’s appendix had burst and he was having an emergency appendectomy. My father told me, “Go see your boy. I love you son. Be strong and courageous.” I drove two hours through a storm that night to Bartlesville to see my son. As I walked out of the hospital on March 8, 2011, at 8:03 A.M., I was spent. Spiritually numb and a physically exhausted as I started my truck, the song that came on the radio at that very moment was “Dare You to Move” by Switchfoot. It was at that moment that God poured out his Love on me in a way that I can’t describe in words. I had been praying, fasting, and seeking with all I had inside me for over a year waiting for this moment. My father was being healed. Not as I had selfishly hoped, but instead receiving the ultimate healing and reward of going to be with Jesus. Mom called at that very second to tell me that Dad was headed home.

The song “Dare You to Move” challenged me at that moment. What would I do? God had given me one last beyond my wildest dreams year with my father. The highest of mountaintop followed by a valley experience that brought me to my knees. I chose to get up and run after God like I have never ran before. I have not stopped since that day. This is a call to action for you, I dare you to move!

The Bible says in James 4:8, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you,” When a Coach commits to seeking God, God Powerful Presence and Glory comes towards that coach causing a ripple effect which impacts his players. The waves grow as more coaches, athletes, fans, and communities feel the ripple effect for this Glory. Will you join the SLC3 Coaches Family Today and make that same commitment? In Mark 1:44 Jesus heals a leper, then tells him to say nothing to no one, because it was no time yet. The leper could not keep quiet and thus people flocked to Jesus ministry. In Mark 16:15 after the cross and resurrection, Jesus now tells us to, “Go into all the World and proclaim the Gospel.” So what are you waiting for? Are you ready to draw closer to God? Are you ready to commit today to walking daily in the power of the Spirit as Mark 16:17-20 proclaims?

If so then fill out the form below and join His mounting army of coaches right now! Become a SLC3!