Easy as 1,2,3


I’m sure you have heard this catchy phrase before, but this time let’s not ignore its truth.  It’s not just a Jackson 5 song!

Success is not always found in the mastering of difficult skills or creative schemes, instead it is often found by doing the small and rarely glorified details with passion and discipline. 

One of the best books I have ever read regarding this Biblical Principle is a book written by Joshua Medcalf called “Chop Wood, Carry Water”. Most of us saw this principle made famous by the movie Karate Kid. I believe this principle is way undervalued and underestimated.

This principle of simplicity, details, and focusing on the fundamentals definitely applies to sports, but even more importantly it applies to our daily walk with Christ. 

In order to grow daily in our ability to seek a closer personal relationship with our Father God, we must find the time and effort to make Jesus the focus of our daily schedules. We must discipline ourselves to set aside time every day to pursue, seek, and listen for His voice. 

You must get to know His voice, which leads to becoming aware of His Presence in the room. Learn to master your spiritual senses so that you are aware of the Super in the Natural! Jesus is the Super and He shows up daily in so many natural ways in your life. Sadly most of us are so busy focusing on other things, that we walk right past Him and don’t even realize when He is talking to us. 

While listening to a message this morning. I heard Pastor Jentezen Franklin say, “Learn this valuable verse! It is as easy as 1, 2, 3.  Genesis 12:3 “God Blesses those who Bless Israel and curses those who curse Israel.”

I thought wow that is definitely an easy way to remember this verse, but then I felt God spoke to me by putting the following thought in my mind. I believe my Father was speaking to me. Why? Because I know His voice. How? Because I have learned to listen for it and pick that voice out of even the loudest of environments. 

One of the biggest disciplines you can master is learning to listen. I have had to work hard on this. I am quick to speak and slow to listen. You have to learn to tune out the noise. This world is bellowing with worthless noise.

What did I hear God say? “It is as Easy as 1,2,3 Donnie. Check it out for yourself.” 

I have often asked God to reveal secrets in His Word that He has hidden for me to seek. 

Is that Biblical? Daniel 2:22 says, “He reveals deep and hidden things; He knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Him.” I love when He puts numbers like 111 or 222 in sequence, like a fingerprint we might notice. Like in Deuteronomy 29:29 where God says, “The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.” 

Countless times God has awakened me in the night at 3:33 am or 1:11 am or 5:55 am to speak to me. I have a clock that reflect on the ceiling on my bed. Many other times I sense His presence or hear his voice and I look at my clock on my phone for it to read 11:11. 

Now, before you start thinking I’ve lost my mind, I know sometimes this could be coincidence, but to also believe God is not daily speaking to us and that He does not have an incredible sense of humor is even crazier! Look for God in the little things and I promise you that you will find Him! How do i know? Because He promised us this! Jeremiah 29:13 says, “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.”

I once was sitting in a church service and there was a baby dedication going on, I didn’t know the family, so I asked God to reveal to me a hidden gem. He said, “You know John 3:16, but do you know Rev 3:16? Same author.” I quickly looked up Rev 3:16. Everyone loves John 3:16. “For God so loved the World, that He gave His only begotten Son, and whosoever believes in Jesus will have everlasting life.” Wow that promise is both easy and powerful. Then I read Revelations 3:16. “If you are Luke Warm, I will vomit you out of my mouth.” Ouch, that promise is not so easy, but equally powerful.

How can the same author seem to say two so different sounding statements? Well, John probably wrote John 3:16 soon after Jesus resurrection. He was probably full of Hope and Fire as Jesus team of disciples were all still alive and on fire with the recently sent Holy Spirit in the upper room. 

Fast forward to Revelations 3:16. John the Revelator is now the last of the twelve disciples alive. The rest of John’s teammates have all been martyred for Jesus sake. John himself had been boiled alive and poisoned, but the enemy couldn’t kill Jesus best friend. Why? I believe it is because he had been assigned to take care of Jesus mother. 

Now, imprisoned on a rock island called Patmos, Jesus shows up to John and reveals to him the final chapter in his love letter to share with us. One of those gems was Revelations 3:16? Avoid being luke warm! I could mention numerous more verses God has revealed seemingly supernaturally to me this way. 

So when God said spoke to me suggesting I check out if it is as easy as 1,2,3, I didn’t hesitate to grab my Bible and see what God wanted to reveal. 

I know there are arguments for and against Bible Codes that reveal things. I am not going to get into that now, but I am going to share what I found. 

I started with Genesis 1:2-3 and then Genesis 12:3 (Both which have a 1,2,3 sequence). Look for yourself, I went through the entire Old Testament.  I definitely found these specific verses in the first five books (The Torah) very interesting. It seemed in around 85-90 percent of the verses in the OT that had a 1,2,3 sequence, there was either a reference to Israel, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, or someone in Jesus lineage. Is that just coincidence or could it be a little fingerprint left by a loving Father? I will let you decide that on your own. Some call it faith, while others call it fool. 

What I know. It seemed pretty eye opening to me. It was as easy as 1,2,3! God was telling me to keep Israel in my prayers, while at the same time most importantly keep my focus on Jesus. He was also instructing me to allow the Holy Spirit to guide, empower, purify and forge me into a mighty warrior for our King!