Forced R & R


Normally we say these are two of our most prized times in life. Now when we are forced to take this time, we cry out for our other god’s. Sports, Money, and Entertainment where are you? Is Work your god? I have been guilty of serving each of these gods. We need reminded daily that there is only ONE TRUE GOD!

Christians have always thrives in persecution. The severe persecution of the church, the people, in places right now like China and Iran is causing the church to thrive there. Why in times of crisis does the church grow and thrive?

I am constantly asked, “How are you and your family doing?” My response. “Great, Had a Prom, a Wedding, Loving the Extra Family Time!”

Now before you bash me, I have friends in the hospital fighting for their lives right now with the Corona Virus. It is serious, but so was cancer that took my father’s life, heart disease that took my grandmother’s life, drug addiction that took my friends life, miscarriages that took two of my babies lives, and all disease and sinful addiction from the enemy.

My point is this. If it wasn’t for the horrible death’s caused right now by COVID-19, then would you be cherishing the time of REST and FAMILY. If not, then are we broken and need to rethink our current lives.

We have had our share of family tension much like a 7 day vacation in an RV! It is so sad that domestic abuse is supposedly on the rise. We have had to be creative and do videos, puzzles, fish, camp, dance, games, and so much more.

The truth is the joy can and should always outweigh the suffering. That is exactly what life as a Christian on earth entails. Joy through suffering. You take Jesus out of the equation and all you have is suffering.

You take entertainment like sports, concerts, and casino’s away and if you don’t have Jesus, you have no joy, just strife. Is your home full of fear, frustration, anxiety, panic, depression, and all focus is on your bank account? If so, then maybe you should be turning to God. The best backdrop for light is darkness. Jesus always shines in the darkest hour and darkest place.

My wife and I had a powerful conversation last night. I am connecting it with a conversation I had with my one of my earthly moms. She said if it wasn’t for the deaths, this extra family time would be such a blessing. Is that not a perfect simile to this truth! Sheri said to me, “Donnie I would be so exited for the rapture to come today to meet my Jesus, if it weren’t for my friends and family that may not make it.”

Our prayer is that somehow during this crisis, that people will see and turn to Jesus. The Angels announced the arrival of good tidings of GREAT JOY at Jesus birth. For that SAME JOY the Bible says Jesus endured the cross for you! As Christians in this most critical time, we are to demonstrate love, to actually be the hands and feet of Jesus, right now so the lost sheep will be drawn to the Good Shepherd.

Sheep are fearful of water. We are to lead the lost sheep to still water! Why? Because once the Good Shepherd puts his staff in the water to calm it, the sheep can see His Reflection. Once they see His reflection they will finally drink!

As we enjoy Passion Week, the week leading up to our Savior’s Resurrection, let us shine like never before against the background of the world’s darkness. Tomorrow, Wednesday evening we enter the Jewish celebration week of Passover. It is a celebration of God protecting them from losing the life of their firstborn during the worst stretch of plagues in history. Ten plagues focused on the God’s of Egypt. By putting the blood of a sacrifice on their doorpost the death angel passed by. Today we have the blood of Jesus, so much more powerful than any sacrifice to protect us! This week celebrate the Death, Burial and Resurrection of our Savior! Do so by being a light, the voice, hands, and feet of our Savior who is coming Soon!

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash