Fore Favour For Four


When you hear the word ‘FORE’ hollered, what do your instincts tell you to do? I know what anyone familiar with golf does. Anyone wonder why golfers yell ‘FORE’ when they hit a ball in the direction of someone? If you didn’t know, then here is why.

The word ‘FORE‘ is Scottish in origin, and is a shortened version of the word ‘before’ or ‘afore. ‘ The old Scottish warning, essentially meaning “look out ahead,” most probably originated in military circles, where it was used by artillery men as a warning to troops in forward positions.

When you are in tune with the Holy Spirit, you will often hear Him quietly scream ‘FORE’. Yes, I used an oxymoron to describe how I often hear the Holy Spirit speak. When He speaks to me it usually seems like a still quiet scream. So gentle, but so powerful and loud, able to stop me in my tracks and cause me to discern things at a level I am not capable on my own. For the longest time, I didn’t know His voice. I couldn’t even hear Him, other voices in my life seem to drown Him out. I relied mostly on my own ability to make decisions and use my own talent and strength. Boy was I stupid.

My dad used to use the word ‘stupid’ a lot. It was not until I was older that I realized he was not calling me stupid, dad was saying what I did was stupid. Sometimes I wonder if the Holy Spirit is standing there thinking what we are doing, in my dad’s words, is ”Stupid”. As Forest Gump said “Stupid is as Stupid does”. Maybe it is time you listen to the wisdom of a higher power and learn the voice of the Holy Spirit.

This morning I woke up at 4:44 a.m. feeling led by the Holy Spirit to pray FOR a few people. I also felt led to look up what the number FOUR represented in the Bible. I was surprised to see all the different possible ways God showed up in the number FOUR.

I will just share a couple ways that caught my attention.

  • On the FOURTH day, God created the sun, moon, and stars, in which He brought physical light into the world. Prior to that His Glory was the Light! The last chapter of Revelations says when the lights are gone on this earth, His Glory will still be the Light.
  • We can’t see God, but He did produce FOUR witnesses that prove to people that He exist! The Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Miracles, Signs, and Wonders!
  • Never forget there was a FOURTH in the Fire with the three Hebrew boys.

My amazing wife called me yesterday completely in awe of what she had just witnessed by God. She said I have to tell you the most amazing story of God’s FAVOUR! Wait. Is that how you spell FAVOUR? It is actually the way most of the world spells it and yes FOUR is right in the middle. As an you OU fan, so is OU LOL. Sorry Texas and OSU fans, had to put that in there.

At this point before even reading what I am going to write, many of you are choosing one of two paths, one of a skeptic or one of Faith like a child. I know which path Jesus suggested we choose.

Sheri has been working tirelessly non-stop for a few weeks preparing a celebration Christmas display of the birth of Jesus. It will have twelve amazing murals of the story of Jesus birth displayed on an outdoor Christmas walk at our church. Anyone in the entire world is welcome to come experience the miracle of Jesus Birth. Each mural will have a scan code where you can listen to a child tell the story. I can’t wait to hear how God uses this to touch people’s lives.

She is almost finished putting spray sealer on the large canvas murals. She needed six more cans to finish the last two murals. Her back and hands hurt from her effort. She goes to Lowe’s one more time praying they will have six more cans. As she walks up to the shelf she looks down at the shelf and sees only FOUR cans. Nothing else on the shelf, just FOUR cans. She picks all FOUR cans up, then ask God, “Where can I get two more cans?”. As she waits, she looks back down at the shelf and there surprisingly is one more can.

She wondered. How did I miss seeing that can? She had picked up all FOUR cans. As she tried to wrap her mind around how she had missed the can, then she looked back down, and out of complete nowhere or at least from nowhere we are able see. There, on the same shelf that twice before had been completely empty, was ONE MORE CAN!

A Christmas miracle. No other explanation!

It is that time of year, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

FORE! FAVOUR WARNING! Are you ready FOR God to show up as your number FOUR in the fire?

Why not let God show off in your Life this Holiday Season? You might just want to try what Sheri and SpirtKIds are doing and do something powerful that points to Jesus!

Photo by Peter Drew on Unsplash