From Chronos to Kairos


How much time is left on the clock? As a coach, time and score are always on your mind. You love players who value both. As you enter the fourth quarter or the last inning, every click of the clock magnifies the importance of every move or decision made.

Chronos is an ancient Greek term meaning the recurring passing of the years. It is the routine of doing the regular over and over day after day. Persevering off-season and preseason practice, all the scrimmages, or even the time spent overcoming an injury. Who honestly enjoys Chronos? Right?

The Bible shares many stories of the Chronos time people spent in the Wilderness, the Valley, or the Pit. The great ones, the ones who reach unreachable mountaintops, somewhere along the way realized their experience in the Chronos was all part of God’s masterful plan for their lives. They gained an uncommon love, valuable respect, and even an appreciation for this enduring time.

A young female High School Pole Vaulter named Quincy Turner, who received an incredible miracle after what appeared to be suffering a career ending injury, was told by God in the ambulance that He was “Making her ready”.

I recently was blessed to meet and hear four time World Series champion Darryl Strawberry share how he had grown to love and appreciate his wilderness experience. He spoke of the Power he had gained in his Chronos time there. He admitted that much of the time he endured in the wilderness was because of his poor choices, but today he shares with others the Power he found in the wilderness. It was the power to overcome all hell had to throw at him. He lives now to share with others that same Holy Spirit Power!

You want to hear about the most powerful Chronos to Kairos moment in history? Check out Luke 4:1. Jesus had just been baptized in water by John the Baptist. Jesus receives the biggest intro ever heard as God himself announces His Son in the starting lineup along with bringing the Holy Spirit into the game. What a teammate Jesus received in trade for giving His life up at a later date. What does Jesus teammate Holy do immediately? He leads Jesus into the wilderness for 40 days of Chronos time. Why would Jesus have to experience Chronos time? Was God getting His Son Ready? Well, I believe the answer to that question is found in Luke 4:14.

My favorite version of Luke 4:14 is the The Passion Translation, “then Jesus, (got off the bench for good) armed with the Holy Spirit’s Power, returned to Galilee, and his fame spread throughout the region.

I have heard this week about how hard OU’s home fans were on their team, coach, and QB last weekend versus West Virginia. Jesus returns home in Luke 4:19 and announces that the Spirit of the Lord is upon Him. He has anointed Him to to hope for the poor, healing the broken hearted, and new eyes for the blind, and to preach to the prisoners, You are set FREE! I have come to share the message of Jubilee, for the time of God’s great acceptance has begun.”

How did the home crowd take Jesus? Everyone was impressed by how well he spoke, in awe of the beautiful words of grace that came from His lips. BUT they said, “Who do he think he is?” Jesus then throws down the truth in power.

What was the response from the hometown crowd? They erupted with furious rage. They mobbed Jesus dragging him to the edge of the cliff on the hill on which the city had been built, ready to hurl him off, but JESUS walked right through the crowd, leaving them all stunned. You think Darryl Strawberry faced a tough crowd in New York a few times? Jesus never left his side because He had a greater plan for Darryl. A Hall of Faith awaits Darryl Strawberry, so in Darryl’s own words, “Who needs the Hall of Fame, when you have Jesus!”

I have watched grown men and youth alike run fo the altar to give their lives to Jesus after hearing Darryl and Quincy share their powerful testimonies. They both speak openly of how they are thankful now for the Chronos time in the wilderness. Why? Because they know without a shadow of doubt, that God was making them Ready!

Ready for what you might ask? Ready for what the Greek call “Kairos”. Kairos is defined as the moment, the event, and the suspension of the normal. The reason a mother and father are willing to endure nine months of pregnancy to experience the Kairos miracle of child birth. The reason a farmer is willing to work from sun up to sun down for eleven months is to experience the Kairos day of Harvest!

From 1997-2007, I was an assistant college coach coming up short time and time again in interview after interview as I applied for over 100 head college coaching positions. It was in so many ways the most difficult days of my life. Oh, but looking back, wow was God getting me Ready for more than I could ever dream or imagine. What if I would have given up hope and quit? Never give up on a God given dream!

15 years later, God has given me Kairos moment after Kairos moment. A life full of unimaginable miracles, championships, traveling the world, an amazing family with four amazing children, more sons than I could ever have dreamed for and so much more than I could ever have imagined.

Uncommon Favor? Crazy Blessing? Answered prayers from a praying mother? Yes, Yes, Yes is the answer to each of those questions. Has their been plenty of wilderness adventures, Joseph pits, and Dark Valleys since 2007? Without a doubt, but I have learned to speak James 1:2 over each of those challenges! Pure Joy Baby, because James 1:2 leads to James 1:12! Just realize, trust, and believe, “He is Getting You Ready!” Enduring Chronos leads you to enjoying Kairos!

From Chronos to Kairos!

Make that your daily battle cry, never give up hope! Hang on like Abraham did in Romans 4:18 and start looking for the joy in the daily journey! Make the choice to see Jesus in everything! Remember, if you are a child of God, then you win and nobody can change the end of your story!

If you knew that you only had one year left on your clock, then what would you do with that year? Would you value time and score? Would you value and take life more serious? Would you do everything possible to love and share God’s love? Win souls? The clock is ticking!

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash