Game Changer


God gave each of us control of our own team. We are all our team’s GM or Head Coach with the power to call our own plays, draft our lineups, and play the players we so choose. How sad is it that some choose to avoid drafting the best game changer in the universe. Not only that, but most of those who draft him end up leaving our best player on the bench causing us to be at best an average team. Some coaches have control issues and fear being unable to control this player. Other coaches don’t speak his language, so they refuse to get him in the game. He is a natural leader, but many coaches refuse to give up control of their team to a gifted leader. 

What is the players name? 

Let me first share a few of His nicknames. Some call him “Consuming Fire”, saying he has a superhero level ability to get hot virtually at will. Others refer to him as a “Mighty River”, like a mighty never ending source of power. He shows up big out of nowhere sometimes and when least expected after being quiet for a while causing some to call him a “ghost”. 

I grew up thinking Larry Bird could do anything, but now I realize that truth only falls on the wings of a “Dove”. Many coaches credit their success to playing great help side defense, but still refuse to put the “Helper” in the game. They search for peace to help their teams survive challenging road games, but still leave “The Comforter” sitting on the sidelines. 

He has been known to lead teams into the wilderness or the desert only to demonstrate the power, strength, and courage necessary to deliver them a win in the end. Maybe coaches leave him on the end of the bench, because they don’t want to share any glory with such a great player. 

He can turn an impossible situation into a remarkable story of overcoming a mountain size obstacle, then be quoted after the game saying it only took a little faith. His ability to do what no man can do on his own has some even calling him “God”.

So why? Why would general managers choose not to draft him and coaches all over the world choose to leave him on the bench? Are they absolutely blind to what he is capable of or just too prideful to play him?

There are legendary stories of his first appearance in a gym they refer to as “The Upper Room”. Some say he can even walk on water. The craziest story is the time he had no time left on the clock, after going three overtime’s, he completely bought his team back to life overcoming death, hell, and the grave to win the greatest championship game ever played. 

If all of this is true, then why in the world would GM’s and coaches off all tribes and nations choose to bench this player who many put “The” in front of his name, basically saying he is the only one of his kind. 

Scouts and analyst have tried to measure his skill level, vision, and range, but they just write in the notes things like unmeasurable gifts, shines like the Son, and if we didn’t know better we would say he is God reincarnated. 

Let’s give this glorified bench warmer the introduction he so deserves. 

Introducing all the way from the Throne Room of God, wearing a pure white jersey spotless in every way, your answer in the time of need, wearing number 3 representing the trinity, the one, the only, 

“The Holy Spirit” – The Game Changer