God Strong!


2 Chron 16:9 “For the eyes of the LORD roam to and fro over all the earth, to show Himself STRONG on behalf of those whose hearts are fully devoted to Him.”

What if God was still showing up strong like he did through David and his mighty men? Helping them killing lions, bears, giants, and hundreds of men single handily. Running through troops and leaping over walls is what the Bible says.

Wait a second! Doesn’t 2 Chronicles say that God is still in the business of showing up strong in people? Doesn’t it say that God is looking for someone who is devoted fully to Him to show up strong in? The problem must not be on God’s side of the equation. That lack of strength issue is on us!

If we could just get our minds and our flesh out of the way. I have often heard the phrase, “Perception is reality”. I have never believed that is more true than today.

Perception stops faith, which keeps us operating way below our God intended capabilities. We mentally allow fear, doubt, and unbelief to control our hearts, which in turn keeps our hearts from being fully focused on God. The result is our tanks are empty of God’s strength and constantly relying on our own strength.

DL Moody said something along these lines. God has yet to see a man whose heart is fully committed to Him. I hope to be that man!

Limitless strength is available from God who promises that all things are possible through Him who gives us strength! So what is the issue? It is the same today as it was with the disciples, a lack of belief! If we only believe, the Bible says that nothing is impossible. Mountain moving strength is just sitting inside us waiting to be activated by our faith!

I’ve heard stories my whole life of people that pick up cars to help someone they love pinned underneath. The world came up with an explanation, they credit that strength to human adrenaline. I’ve seen a demon possessed person, who is out of his mind, show super human strength. How? Because his mind no longer holds him back.

As Holy Spirit filled believers in Jesus Christ, we have an exponentially greater Spirit living in us than any demon spirit, yet we let lies make us believe we can’t, we are weak, and we allow fear and doubt to dominate our minds.

If we only could have the faith of a young child, trusting and jumping into our Heavenly Father’s outreached arms. If our hearts were fully devoted to Jesus, what would we be capable of when supplied strength from our Heavenly Father above?

Let’s join DL Moody today and pray Oh Father God, see me, make my heart long to please you and only you!

Photo by Amar Yashlaha on Unsplash