God’s Top 10

top 10

Everyone loves being in the Top 10. We strive daily to be worthy of being ranked in the top 10. I have had multiple players and friends receive the glory of being on ESPN’s top 10 plays of the week. Well, what about God’s top 10?

Through Moses, God gave His people His Top 10. Why? In order to help us defeat our greatest opponent and rival, SIN. God’s Top 10 is found in Exodus 20.

No 1 on the list:

You must not have any other god but me.

My love for basketball and the fame that came with it became one of my biggest challenges to overcome in life. My earthly father loved sports and struggled with sports gambling. How ironic is it that God used a gambling debt and dad’s bookie to lead my father to Jesus? My dad faced a debt that he could not pay, but miraculously his bookie was saved and against all odds he told my dad “Your debt has been paid, you owe me nothing”. The result, my father accepted Jesus as his Savior!

No 2 – It’s a good thing we don’t make idols and break the second commandment. Sarcasm alert! Anyone chasing a gold championship ring? That was my idol for years.

No 3 – Do not take God’s name in vain.

Do they even make movies anymore without someone repeatedly taking God’s name in vain? You can’t take a knee to pray, but sadly your head coach can take God’s name in vain at will.

No 4 – I grew up in a gym or at a softball field five days a week. The other two days, I was at church. The 4th commandment. Remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy! Sunday was the sabbath for us and my mother made sure I was in church. Back then, we also went to church every Wednesday night, instead of playing games.

Somewhere along the line sports, specifically basketball, became a god to me. Another version of the first commandment says to not worship anything besides Me! Oh how I have failed. Sunday youth sports has replaced Sunday school for most children. As parents believe the lie, if I don’t partake of this ritual, then Johnny will not get the scholarship someday or play professionally. Who am I to take away his dream? So much for the fourth commandment.

No 5 – Honor your Father and Mother.

Using government welfare and moral decline, Satan has been on the attack. He has removed the father from the home at a staggering rate. Few families break bread together because they’re too busy working or rushing to a game to spend time feeding their god. Is there any honor anymore? We used to take a knee to pray or honor our forefathers for fighting and giving their lives for our freedom. Now we disrespect anyone and everyone as music and movies often degrade women, push radical agendas, and incite hate.

No 6 on God’s Top 10 – Do not murder. Abortion was the difference maker in how many people voted recently. As murder, suicide, and drug overdose cases rise by the second, it seems that murder is climbing on the enemies list.

No 7. Adultery.

Do I dare go there? Sex isn’t pushed at all these days. More sarcasm alert. Try to keep Pornography from the eyes of your children. Best of luck on that. That would mean no phones, no social media, and no TV, because each of these weapons are pointed straight at our kids.

No 8. Don’t Steal.

We are not talking bases or basketballs, Hope I’m not being offensive. Steals don’t just happen when your playing great defense. Surely God isn’t talking about elections.

No 9. Do not Lie.

I’m glad we can trust the media and our leaders. Psalms 20:7 nails this one. Some trust in their war chariots and others in their horses, but we are to trust in the power of the LORD our God.

No 10. Don’t Covet

To yearn to possess something belonging to others. Jealousy is cancer. It will consume and kill you. Avoid it.

In basketball, it takes a team to win. Each player must use their gifts and roles to help the team succeed. When more value is placed on one area, such as scoring, over another area, such as passing, failure is the result. After chasing a ball and the glory it could bring me, which it did. It seemed to be helping me get a date, attention, my name in the newspaper, a scholarship, a degree, and a job, is there any wonder why I positioned basketball as a god in my life. I coveted other successful coaches success and wondered what I would have to do to be successful. Thank the great Lord that I didn’t sacrifice my marriage as a result.

What would the world look like if we returned to honoring God’s Top 10?