Jesus is all about the Nets coming down!


Multiple times Jesus spoke about nets in the Bible. Yes, I know they were fishing nets, but the theory Jesus was sharing applies to sports and life!

It starts with Obedience! When Jesus told Peter, James, and John to go back out fishing after they had fished all night long and had not got a bite, the uncommon obedience that these fisherman displayed changed the world.

Faith is always is key! It is impossible to please God without faith. Faith is crossing the line of the natural and walking into the land of the unseen world of anything is possible. It is the rare ability to expect the God of the impossible to show up in a way that will blow your mind and change everything.

Are you willing to Sacrifice everything? The crazy thing about this question is is that what you are most likely holding on to, is so much less than what is waiting for you on the other side. Peter, James, and John were told to take their boat into the deep and cast their nets on the other side of the boat. Jesus, a teacher, told professional fisherman fishing who were fishing in their honey hole to do something they knew would not work. That would be like someone walking up to me fishing and telling me to put 100 lb. test line on my reel and shark bait on my hook if I wanted to catch a crappie.

What happened the second they obeyed Jesus and took a leap of faith? Their nets were so full of fish that they began to break! It was such a miraculous mind blowing event that these three fisherman sacrificed all they knew to following Jesus to become fisherman of men!

Could you imagine seeing in person the miracles Jesus performed? Walking on water, healing the sick, and calming storms! Jesus is actually extending that same offer to us right now! He ask us to go into all the world, heal the sick, cleans the diseased, cast out demons! Let the world see through our love and the Spirit’s power in us how awesome our God is! Jesus promises each of us, that if we do so, the results will be greater than we can dream or imagine!

Sometimes that is becoming a missionary, but most the time Jesus is simply asking you to use the gifts our Father created you with to touch the lives of people right where you are! That includes playing or coaching for the glory of God, which sometimes results in cutting down nets on a basketball court!