
Most of you associate “JUST DO IT” with Nike, which makes complete sense, but where did this catchy phrase originate? I want to talk with you about one of the most powerful forces on earth today, inspiration! So where did the inspiration come from to brand “JUST DO IT” as Nike’s go to slogan?

Inspiration is not something you can buy online and it comes from the most unlikely places. In Doug Pray’s 2009 documentary about advertising, Art & Copy, he confesses that the idea for the line was sparked by the last words of convicted murderer Gary Gilmore, who said “Let’s do it!” to the firing squad before his execution.

So now that you know this, does it still motivate you the same as before? What if I was to tell you that Gary Gilmore was not the first person on record to use this line? What if I told you that this line was first spoken by one of the most influential and courageous women in the all of history. Would that make it more inspiring to you?

The book of John chapter 2 records the first miracle of Jesus. Jesus and his boys are hanging out at a wedding they were invited to. My oldest son Gunter and his lovely fiancé Summer are getting married in less than two months and let me just say the planning is on full tilt. As in all weddings the world is rotating right now based on how things are falling into place. From the beginning of time, two things I am certain are true. One, God made Eve from Adam’s rib, and two, every woman since Eve believe a smooth wedding is an unwritten commandment from God.

Jesus and his boys are chilling and having a good time at the wedding, when all the sudden Jesus’ mom approaches her beloved son. Let us begin in John 2:3. Let’s do this in the Common English Bible. When the wine was all gone, the mother of Jesus said to Him, “They don’t have any wine.” Jesus replied, “Woman, what does that have to do with me?” First of all, Jesus calling his mom “Woman”, I am surprised Mary didn’t ground Jesus for a couple weeks. The amplified is kind and adds (Dear) before He says, “Woman”. My mom still at the least gives me the death stare if I choose to call her woman instead of mother. Then Jesus tries to smooth it out with the next line. “My time hasn’t come yet.” Since nobody except Mary had a clue what Jesus was talking about, Mary let that little comment go in one ear and out the other. Mary’s next line was not to Jesus, but to His boys and it was the first time I believe the inspirational “JUST DO IT” quote was spoken. In verse five Mary boldly proclaims, “Whatever He says to you, (JUST) do it.”

If there was a Nike version of the Bible, John 2:5 would definitely read, “Whatever He says, JUST DO IT.”

Inspiration is a heart thing. It is a winner thing. It is a powerful thing. I heard the quote. “Act enthusiastic and you will become enthusiastic.” When I first heard the quote, I thought the man said, “Half enthusiastic is never enthusiastic.” Well, both quotes are true. Inspiration is something you have to apply and it is never a half way thing!

I have lived by a principle that goes something like this. Let everything both good and bad inspire your fire, then as that fire grows, use it to inspire others! I absolutely love inspirational quotes and inspirational movies.

My favorite inspirational movie is Here Comes the Boom. One of the best actors of all-time Henry Winkler (Marty) is giving Kevin James (Scott Voss) a motivational pep talk in the final scene as the teacher turned MMA Fighter is taking a beating in an attempt to save Marty’s job. Marty encourages Voss as he tries to look up at his students with only one round left in the fight. Unable to see, Marty shares, “Let me tell you what you would see. You would see a bunch of our students witnessing complete resolve in the face of an unbearable obstacle. They are invested. Scott, they are inspired! That’s what we are supposed to do as a teacher. INSPIRE!”

The Bible is the inspired Word of God. God has given us every ounce of power, wisdom, and courage we need to accomplish more than we can dream or imagine. We even have the ability to move a mountain, as nothing is impossible to those who believe. As for me and my house, we will serve God and take the advice of Jesus mother Mary, “Whatever He says to do, JUST DO IT!”