March Gladness

March Gladness

Yea, that title was weak, but the goal was to get your attention and I have a feeling it was effective. For as long as I can remember, March has been referred to as March Madness.

I love extremely descriptive adjectives, off the wall nicknames, and some good old backwoods jargon. Madness is definitely one option of describing the month of March in the basketball world.

Many have chosen to describe 2020 and even this entire season as pure madness. Yet, at some point this month, a select number of teams will not only welcome the adversity, but will conquer it and be crowned champions.

Since our team is on the tail end of a quarantine, I spent yesterday watching our potential upcoming opponents play online. I had to fight to keep anxiety from owning my day as I found myself chewing my fingernails at times.

To me it is all about how you choose to see or define a word or your world. When someone says, “Twisted”. Some may hear things are confusing, while others hear that things are unusually cool in their world.

I like to refer to and describe the best brand of basketball as organized chaos that flows so smoothly together that it appears poetic and graceful, while at the same time demonstrating unselfishness, strength, courage, discipline, and an uncommon ability of a group of athletes to work as a single force focused on a single goal. It’s all about your vision and how you choose to see your world and circumstances!

A strong wind is the exact same in Oklahoma, Florida, or in Arizona. It is scary when defined as a tornado, hurricane, or sand storm. However; if you are on a lake in Oklahoma, on a beach in Florida, or in the middle of the desert in Arizona on a hot summer day, then a strong wind can be described as a cool summer breeze and could be a complete answer to prayer.

How you choose to see things will ultimately define your destiny!

The things you want to avoid focusing on in March are all associated with fear. To believe is to take fear by the throat and put it under your feet. Believing is at the heart and center of all championship runs. It’s all about the focus of your heart! Where your heart’s focus is, there you will find your destiny!

To say it clearly. March is the time to get it done for the Son! Ok, that might have been a weak attempt to be smooth, border-lining dad joke level, but there has never been a more true statement. I challenge you to seek God like never before this March. Coach, worship, pray and play on the court all For His Glory!