Offered / Committed


First let me say that I picked a couple athletes social media post that I am rooting for to have amazing careers. Parker and Daylon are both great players and I thought their creative post were as impressive as I have seen. The decision of what college to attend is a very difficult and important decision for athletes.

Now let me move to the two words I want to discuss in this post, offered and committed!

Two very often used terms in today’s world of college athletics. If you are on any form of social media, then you have seen many athlete’s post. Have these two words changed over the past twenty-five or even the last ten years? I would say about as much as a pair of basketball shoes.

Gone are the days of Glory Road, welcome to the world of the transfer portal and NIL money. Before a high school athlete has won a single game at the collegiate level, he or she is competing against other athletes to see how many schools they can add to his or her scholarship offers pic on their social media post. I can tell you from experience. Posting an offer or a commitment matters a ton to the kids these days.

Is it good or bad, I will let you be the judge?

My goal in this article is to flip the script a little and compare this trend in the world of athletics to the world of Christianity.


God, The Creator of the Universe, offered His one and only Son Christ Jesus, as a sacrifice to pay for our sin. We didn’t earn it, nor did we deserve this amazing offer. An offer beyond any offer ever made. Nothing can even vaguely compare to what we gain by accepting this offer.

Yet, God’s chosen people were the first to reject the offer.

At first the offer seems like a no brainer. It seems pretty black and white. You either choose the darkness or you choose the light. Why would you even consider another offer?

Wait! What if someone were to offer another very similar offer, but just a little bit of fun added on the side. At least it is dressed up as fun.

Wait, it gets better! What if you can shop your options a little bit and even try a few out? You can always come back to offer one. Right?

What was option one again? God had His option written by inspired people thousands of years ago. Maybe a few of the things in His option, called the Bible, are off a little or even optional. Maybe you can find an option that matches the lifestyle you enjoy or desire, while still calling yourself a follower of Christ. Heck, the devil behind this other offer is very convincing. You would almost believe He is telling the truth, but down deep something is telling you that you know better.

There are so many offers on the table these days. Surely you can find one that is easy, guaranteed, and allows you to choose based on what feels good.

When you finally come to the place where you feel like it is getting late in the process, you better decide on which offer you are going to commit to.

Romans 10:9 might be something to consider. “If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord”, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” 

If that verse doesn’t provide enough persuasion, then maybe Matthew 10:32 will help. “Whoever acknowledges me before others. I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven.” I would say that would be a good thing.

Sadly, for some, Matthew also added in chapter 7 verses 21-23, “On the day of judgement many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, don’t you remember us? Didn’t we prophesy in your name? Didn’t we cast our demons and do many miracles in your name?’ But I will have to say to them, ‘Go away from me, you lawless rebels! I’ve never been joined to you!’

So, you have been offered and the day finally comes when you post…


What exactly does ‘Committed!’ even mean anyway?

According to the dictionary it is feeling dedication and loyalty to a cause, activity, or job. Is it just me or does commitment not carry the same dedication as it used to. Of course, we are not talking Old Testament blood covenant days are we.

Making the statement, “I commit my life to Christ Jesus”, is a powerful and beyond rewarding statement, but while on this earth, it also comes with sacrifice, persecution, and guaranteed adversity. It requires servanthood, selflessness, humility, forgiveness, and loving others as much as you love yourself.

Does that mean you can’t just raise your hand in a church service and repeat the sinner’s prayer, then go back to doing what you were before? Who am I to judge? The Bible says in Matthew 7:16, “You will know them by your fruits.” I will just stop with that.

Am I going to deep with this commitment thing? The world seems to think so.

When it comes to committed and me.

As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD!