Pick 5 Worship Songs of the week!


No. 1 This week is – Different by Micah Tyler

This song points to not just improving but completely becoming a different changed on fire warrior that the whole world can see. Something about that thought process makes this song jump into my spirit. Caterpillar to Butterfly. Time to transform into a reflection of Jesus.

2. Face to Face by Mat Kearney

This little catchy beat makes me do what I call a hands dance. I can’t hold them still, but in the middle that little dance, the line “10 Thousands Horses Could Not Pull Me Away” is exactly where I want to be. That driven to seek a face to face encounter with our Savior.

3. I Lift My Hands by Chris Tomlin

This song was written by Pastor Louis Giglio when he was going through one of the darkest valleys of his life. He put together a list of scriptures that he stood on during that time. Chris Tomlin put them together and came up with one of the most powerful worship songs of all time. You can hear the full testimony along with one of the coolest mashup by clicking here

4. Voice of Truth by Casting Crowns

Words cannot describe what this song did for me in one of the deepest valleys of my life. As I was praying for a miracle for a close coaching friend of mine, Kevin Johnson, who was battling a brain aneurysm. God called me to battle in spiritual warfare for KJ’s life.  I can’t tell you how many times when my faith began to waiver, the song would come on the radio and I would rise back up and continue the battle that ended in one of the biggest miracles I have ever seen.

VOT is a special song, I think you will agree.  It is now an oldie, but it’s a timeless classic!

5. Something Beautiful by Need to Breathe

I was a Need to Breathe fan way before they became one of the top Christian artist.  My son used to laugh at me when I listened to them telling him that they were the future sound that had a unique combination praise and beat with a little southern twang thrown in. This song is one of my all-time favorites.