SOON (Something Out of Nothing)

Coming Soon

We are born with a sinful nature that is both selfish and lazy. We want a lot of something, but want to do nothing. Not only that, we want it as soon as possible. Only God deals daily in the impossible. The acronym SOON is ideal for remembering the truth that only God can make ‘Something Out Of Nothing’.

In 2007 God told both me and my wife that He was going to make ‘Something Out Of Nothing’.  We had no idea what He meant. I had just been turned down from being hired for my dream job despite helping lead a program to the 2005 National Championship. It was simply not God’s plan. Things never seemed so dark. This is exactly why being a believer in Jesus Christ is so special. When all looks lost and nothing is going right, there is Savior who excels in the ability to defy all odds.

We took a leap of faith in 2007 taking the head coaching and athletic director position at Oklahoma Wesleyan University. OKWU and the men’s basketball program had fallen on hard times. I believed I could help turn things around a bit, but to win a National Championship in only two years and win a NAIA D2 Record 39 consecutive games was beyond my or anybody’s wildest dreams. I have heard that Jesus is coming SOON since I was a kid. Yes, Gabriel will someday, possibly very soon, blow the trumpet. I can hardly wait for that day, but the truth is Jesus came in 2009.  He made “Something Out Of Nothing’ that season! Through the Holy Spirit Jesus comes daily and makes ‘Something Out Of Nothing’. As a man, full of the Holy Spirit without measure, Jesus performed miracle after miracle defying every law of nature. Walking on water, multiplying food, healing every sickness, was just a normal day for our Savior. News Break: Jesus is still in the miracle working business. He left to go to the Father’s right hand, but He sent the power back to us in the person of the Holy Spirit.

Sadly, a welfare mindset runs rampant these days both in the physical and spiritual realm. This mindset has been around for a long time. The Israelites in the wilderness complained about having to pick up and eat the manna God was sending them and even asked to return to slavery in Egypt. The concept of working hard for something is not a positive in many people’s eyes these days either. Most people’s goal is to figure out a way to work as little as possible while still accomplish their goals. Not only that, but they have no problem cutting as many corners as necessary to save the almighty buck. How can we raise an athlete to go against the new norm in a world that is all about both me and lazy?

I actually heard that Microsoft hires some employees because they have a unique combination: a smart but lazy mindset. The theory is that they will use their high level of intelligence to develop something which will allow them to exert less energy. Their hope is to still accomplish the same goal. If they are successful then the company can appeal to a lazy consumer, hire fewer manual workers, and thus make more money. We have seen automation increasing since almost the beginning of time. It is not all bad. What would we do without the wheel or a horse to advance our ability to travel long distances? In a world where man power is constantly being replaced by technology, how do we stress the importance of working hard? I am still upset that muscle cars were replaced with money saving plastic rides that dent when the wind blows hard. Some things will never return, but if you want to find a new level of success. My suggestion is simple. Increase your faith in Jesus Christ and change your work ethic.

Does this ‘work less and expect more’ attitude carry over to our spiritual walk? Something for nothing? There is an inclusive and feel good faith that is watered down to the point that it is hard to differentiate their followers from a Christian or a member of any other faith. Since we have heard for most of our lives that Jesus is coming back soon, it seems only natural that we would become numb to hearing this.  I think you would struggle to find an honest Christian that would not admit that it is getting closer to the second coming of Christ. Most Christians just don’t seem concerned enough to change.  

Is less church actually better? Do we no longer need three services a week on Sunday morning, evening, and on Wednesday? Sunday morning must be plenty of time I guess. We have to fit our time with Jesus into a 50-minute time block, because everyone has things to do and our attention spans are so short these days. Who has Sunday School? That is way too old school. You can just YouTube a sermon, because your kids have tournaments every weekend. The Bible does say if two or thee gather in my Name then God is there with you. Why do we need to go to church then? So many hypocrites in church, right? This mentality has turned much of Europe into a post-Christian society. Is the United States flirting with following down this same path?

There was a time that the majority of the population of Europe and the United States would claim to be Christian. Even those who did not regularly attend church would claim to be Christian. It was just the normal thing to do. Now atheist, or arguably worse, those that believe many paths lead to God are becoming some very popular paths to take and follow. Basically, change your religion’s rules so you can do whatever you so choose and still call yourself spiritual and thankful to God for it. What God are these people talking about? What book or God are they getting their beliefs and principles from? If I state the fact that the roads of Islam, Scientology, Mormon, Buddhist, and Hindu do not lead the same destination as a follower of Christ, I would be considered by many to be lacking the love of a good God of both grace and love.

Fact is there is only ONE WAY and it is through faith in and a relationship with Jesus Christ. In sports, there is only way to the highest level of success and that is called hard work. You get out what you put in. Good coaches make a living motivating their athletes to work harder than the norm. Great coaches go a step farther as they are able to get their athletes to work hard, play defense, offensive rebound, buy into team concepts, and to commit to difference making areas such as faith, character, and serving others.

If you want Something for Nothing, all I can say is good luck and can I get you on our schedule next season? You want to see a miracle, then remember Jesus is coming SOON!

Photo by Henry & Co. on Unsplash