When God calls you to step out of your comfort zone and do something that seems a little crazy, what do you do? Do you get out of the boat knowing a storm awaits you, or do you sit and watch someone else take that step of faith? I know where I want to be and that is in the game where I can make a difference and decide my own destiny. The following breakdown of my journey only covers the highlights, but I believe after reading this, you will understand why I am so passionate about Freedom Fire 2020.

In January, I had come through a significant time of fasting and seeking God’s plan for me and our team in the coming year. I fell asleep one-night listening to a message on YouTube. In the middle of the night, I was awakened at 3:30 am with a prophecy being spoken. It felt like God was speaking directly to me. The prophecy said that Satan was going to bring four weapons on the United States at a level we have not seen. These weapons were fear, anxiety, panic, and depression, which lead to things like addiction and suicide. The prophecy said that mighty men like Oral Roberts, Billy Graham and Reinhard Bonnke have been called home and now God is looking for workers to sow His final Harvest. The prophecy went on to say that thousands of people, especially youth, will come to Jesus in the fields in the middle of America. It said this revival fire will spread to the rest of the country.

I felt called to do my part. I have learned to go when God says go without hesitation. I began by asking God, “How I am supposed to bring people to a field?” I wish He would have answered me with an easy and amazing strategy, but the truth is, many times God wants to see us roll up our sleeves and put all our heart and faith into blind chasing His plan. I knew one thing, if I help bring people in, the Holy Spirit was plenty capable of setting them free. He reminded me that 100,000 people come to a field to for a Music Festival called Rocklahoma in nearby Pryor, a small town where I was born and raised. I felt He was asking me to host big event with the sole purpose of worshiping Him.

In March, when Covid-19 hit, I realized that the prophecy I had heard was coming true right before my eyes. Over the last six months, I have watched as these four weapons have devastated our entire country. Fear has turned to hate and it seems that Satan has opened a full out assault trying to divide our country.

I have pursued this vision God gave me of hosting a worship event for Him with all my heart since that night in January. The road has been long, winding and full of pot holes. There has been so many ups and downs, and many times I questioned if I had heard God correctly. Every time I came to the point in the journey that I hit a wall, God showed up and gave me a reason to believe and keep moving forward no matter the resistance.

This path led me to September 19th at the new Unity Square Amphitheater in downtown Bartlesville. God has opened the door and brought in a powerful lineup of speakers and artists including We Are Messengers, Leanna Crawford, Kailey Abel, The Aaron Michael Band, and Bobby Wade.

You can check out more about the event at

A night focused on setting people free. I ask you to pray with us in preparation for this special night. I hope to see you there!