The Showdown

OK Carol

We learn it at the earliest of age. We learn it right?

How to compete, fight, and win. We do have to be taught the fighting spirit, correct?

I can still hear junior high cheers now.

“We got spirit, yes we do, we got spirit, how about you?”

It is taught right, or could that fighting spirit be an ingrained desire that God placed in each of us?

Let’s take a look at this question a little closer. Everyone loves a good old fashioned showdown.

Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday versus the outlaw gang known as the “Cowboys” at the O.K. Carrol, or basically any Marvel movie these days with a group of heroes taking on a gang of villains. Yup, everyone loves a good showdown!

It all began in Heaven when a certain angel let pride enter his heart. He allowed jealousy and greed to encompass his mind and before long he deceived one third of the angels into believing a lie. It wasn’t much of a contest as Michael and the angels of God won a decisive victory in that first ever showdown, but as showdowns often do, the taste of defeat in Satan’s mouth leaves a taste of evil vengeance thousands of years later.

Satan struck back by deceiving Adam and Eve and bringing sin into God’s creation. It was a powerful blow thrown by the prince of darkness. So destructive that it has caused a ripple effect of havoc on the world that continues today.

The showdown of good versus evil has shown up over and over again throughout the Bible with epic battles like David versus Goliath. A young shepherd boy, versus the champion of the Philistines was a foreshadowing of the greatest victory of all-time.

Jesus, a sinless servant, overcoming impossible odds, defeated death, hell, and the grave at Calvary, by suffering for you and me. Mocked, cursed, beaten, and crucified in public humiliation on a cross, Jesus made the greatest comeback in history ending the showdown for good!

All we have to do now is pick what side we choose to be on!

Jesus returned to the right hand of the Father as THE ONE TRUE CHAMPION. He left to prepare a place for those who choose to follow Him! He knew the defeated enemy would continue his pattern of lies and do all he could to deceive human kind. That is up until the final moment in time when His Father tells Gabriel to blow the trumpet.

Jesus loved each of us so much, that He willingly gave his life. Knowing we are unable to make it on our own, our Savior sent the Holy Spirit back as a helper, guide, and empowering force for those who choose the Light of the World.

This setup the final showdown!

The Holy Spirit versus the Spirit of Fear.

Who you got? I have Spirit yes I do! I got Spirit how about you?