
I was listening to Jalen Hurts post game interview after Saturday’s improbably second half comeback victory over Baylor when I heard him say something I felt well worth echoing to you today. Midway through the interview Hurts made the comment “there is always a way”. A writer later asked Hurts at what point in his life did he gain the ability to believe that there is always a way? Jalen’s response, “I give my glory to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am a firm believer.” As usual, there was not a follow up question, as this headline does not sell newspapers, but what a mature and powerful insight that Hurts showed following the hard to believe comeback.

Recently I researched who our Father in heaven says we are.  During that time of research, I found out that soon after Christ’s resurrection and return to the right hand of the Father, the followers of Christ were referred to by three names.  These are in no specific order.

  1. Christians – A Greek term – ‘Christianos’ that means “Like the Anointed” or “Follower of the Anointed”. You can reference Acts 11:26, Acts 26:28, and 1 Peter 4:16. From my understanding the Roman’s gave the followers of Christ this name as a way to identify them as another religious sect.  Before I continue, I want to make sure that you understand that I do not believe there is anything wrong with being identified as a Christian. I love to be a follower of the Anointed King!
  2.  The Nazarenes  – Originating from Yeshua, the Nazarene, which is Jesus’ name as seen in Matt 2:23.
  3. The Way – This was the name widely used for the believers of the time, but is oddly the most unknown to Christians Today.

In John 14:6 Jesus called Himself “The Way”. In Acts 24:14 Paul introduces himself to the governor as a follower of “The Way”, not as a Christian. Other verses in Acts referring to “The Way” include Acts 9:2, Actus 19:9, Acts 19:23, Acts 24:14, and Acts 24:22.

My point is not to have us, as Christians, start calling ourselves “The Way”, but instead for us to reflect on Jesus letting us know that there is “Only One Way” to the Father. Not only that, but until Jesus returns, there is “Always a Way” for lost sheep to return to the Good Shepherd. It is our job to show the lost the way before it is too late.

Jalen Hurt says he learned this Biblical principle as child and he still believes it today. As a leader for his team on Saturday, even through mistakes, his unwavering faith was not only apparent but contagious with his teammates. Winning the Baylor game or losing the game to Kansas State was not going to change Jalen’s faith, but instead it was a demonstration of how real and grounded his faith in Jesus Christ is. I love when a young athlete sees and understands this unrivaled truth. It is such a powerful message for youth today. One that should be being echoed loud and clear to the world. I pray this message continues to increase in measure. The only way this happens is if we become willing vessels to be God’s voice, feet and hands.

The media rarely allows this truth to be discussed on main stream television. More and more followers of Christ in the sports world, music world, and abroad the broad spectrum of society are publicly giving glory to our Lord Jesus Christ and letting all people know THE WAY! Let’s all join them by letting everyone know about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

How is the best way to do this?

To show them by our fruit – Love, Joy, Peace, Long Suffering, and so on. Galatians 5:22-23

in John 10:16, Jesus points out that “There will only be one Flock”.  This is also vital for us as followers of Christ. We must put aside our petty differences and love one another. We must join each other going the same way. I count myself a brother to members of all denominations, including other religions such as Jews or Catholics as long as they agree to the fact that THE JESUS CHRIST of NAZARETH is THE ONLY WAY to eternal life in Heaven with God the Father. If they don’t, I love them, but because I love them, I will keep pointing to the ONE TRUE WAY!