Warmup Music


Believe it or not in my first high school coaching job our team came out for warmups to the one of the greatest riffs of all-time, AC/DC’s Back in Black. Wow, has my perspective changed over the years.

I was a young 23 year old head coach who had grown up in church. It is fair to say half of my life had been spent in church, revivals, or church camps. At the same time, I have always had a passionate love for music. 

I have always said, if I could sing or play an instrument, I would either be in a band or leading worship in some church. Since I can’t sing a lick or play an instrument, I coach. Let’s just say, many who have heard me sing, suggest and pray I don’t quit my day job. 

I still love the riff to Back in Black. I still love the bridge in Garth Brooks’s song Friends in Low Places. You could basically start any good song from any genre from the 50’s through the 90’s and I could sing or air jam to about 90% of them. I could also do the same for every church hymn or church kid’s song. 

So what has changed?

I would say as I have grown up, so has my relationship with Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Listening to the words of a song now either quenches or ignites The Holy Spirit living in me. This same thing happens when watching a movie with cursing or sexual content. I simply can’t continue listening to a song or watching a movie with intentional darkness being cast on the flame of fire God has placed in me. 

I have found that the more I seek a closer relationship with God, the more I seek His presence and His Word, the more the Holy Spirit leads me to find great music that both glorifies my King and ignites the Spirit inside me.

I also now understand the power of music. I recognize the war raging in the spiritual realm for a person’s soul, my soul. I’ve often heard music bypasses the mind and goes straight to your soul. 

Lucifer was an anointed angel in heaven that God designed with sparkling gems to reflect His Glory. He was designed to not only lead worship, but he was an actual instrument that played as God’s breath blew through his body. 

Sadly, Lucifer begin to believe that he was the reason he shined so bright and his riff sounded so good. He didn’t realize that without God’s Glory those gems reflected nothing, and without God’s Ruach (spirit, breath, wind) blowing through him, there was no amazing riff. On God’s command, Michael the Warrior Angel, threw Lucifer, now Satan, and one-third of the fallen angels that Satan deceived out of Heaven. 

Satan has one goal. Deceiving you and as many others as possible that the Highway to Hell is the best path. He can’t create anything. He lost his anointing. He can only imitate and copy and pervert God’s creation. 

Sadly many of history’s greatest music artist  began in the church, before selling their souls to Satan. I don’t believe I am surprising anyone by saying that. These days music artists openly talk about being demonically possessed and the selling of their soul. 

I could go on all day talking music and the power that lies within.

God has blessed me to both see and hear in person, even backstage, some of God’s finest music artists of my day. Tony Mac, Casting Crowns, News Boys, and We Are Messengers just to name a few. 

Is it a sacrifice to be selective on your music?  Is it worth $15 month to use VidAngel to remove the cursing and sexual content from movies or your favorite show? 

What is your soul worth? 

What are your kid’s souls worth? 

Priceless. Jesus paid that Price.