What if there was another level you were made to conquer, but you didn’t even know it was available to you? What if there was a deceiver that was assigned to you to daily convince you otherwise?

Why do children have such vivid imaginations? They naturally dream of impossible opportunities such as being an astronaut, flying an airplane, or of someday becoming a superhero. Yet at some point along their journey fear and doubt find their way into their minds causing those dreams to disappear.

Often an adult seems sent and bent on crushing a child’s dream. They begin by trying to convince a child that something is wrong with using their imagination. Explaining that it is time to grow up and accept the reality that normal is what they are stuck with.

Steve Harvey tells a story about his teacher in elementary school having each of the children come up front of the class to tell everyone what they are going to be when they grow up. When it was Steve’s turn, he walked up front and told the class that he wanted to become famous and be on TV. Since Steve had a severe stuttering problem and came from poverty, the class laughed and his teacher told him to stop dreaming about silly things that will never happen.

Steve has a long and miraculous story that took him from homeless to reaching a level that he had been convinced was impossible to reach. He buys a TV and sends it to that teacher every Christmas, so she can see him on one of the many TV shows he is on today. Steve claims God saved him and through Jesus Christ he was able to accomplish the impossible. He speaks often and has written books about reawakening the dreamer God has placed inside you. His message, “You have not because you ask not”, a promise found in James 4:2-3.

Could it really be that simple? Well, in many people’s eyes, you may never become a superhero that can fly by human standards, but there are superheroes that everyday help other people. Some protect, some teach, some discover, and yes some fly into space.

I have a long list of heroes that I am confident God placed in my life. He positioned them perfectly along my journey to encourage me and to convince me to keep believing in my dreams. They taught me, pushed me, and kept a fire inside me burning that guided me to where I have come and to who I have become.

You must first grip strongly to the fact that God is the sole author of your story. No person or demon from hell has the ability or authority to crush your dreams. You must then seek and find the promises God placed in His love letter to you.

Don’t listen to the deceptive voice that just whispered in your ear that this is a fantasy. It is time to dream again. It is time to become like a child. Unless you do so, you just may be left behind. Don’t believe me, read Matthew 18:3.

I may not win a National Championship every season, nor may I not make a million dollars a year coaching in the NBA, but I have had to make a new bucket list numerous times. I have come to realize there is much more valuable things in life that fame and fortune.

God continues to far exceed my childhood dreams. I don’t feel it is necessary to share my story at this time, but I will say that I continue to travel the world using a bouncing ball daily to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ our Savior! No greater reward can be achieved than bringing Glory to my King!