Will You Fight?


Three words that changed my life.

On December 31, 2006, while sitting at my desk in my office, I received a call that changed the trajectory of my walk with Christ. Two messages in my morning devotions pointed out Jacob and when his walked changed. He added a limp after wrestling with an angel all night long. It was a life changer, actually a name changer for Jacob as from then on he would be known as Israel.

Recently I was blessed with the opportunity to meet the Portland Trailblazer’s Team Chaplain Mike Tatlock, who is also the lead Pastor of Grace Chapel in Portland. He made a comment that hit home for me. Pastor Mike said the no. 1 desire for the wives in his church is that their husbands would become the spiritual leader of their home.

I am guessing many husbands are like me. I had no idea that this was my wife’s prayer. My walk with Christ had remained on a steady slope for most of my life. An overall good guy who grew up in church and was confident in my salvation. Truth is listened to the pastor’s message every Sunday and I drove the church bus, but that was the depth of my seeking. Now that I look back it was more like I had a pulse, but not much else going on. I never read the Bible, rarely spent time praying, had never fasted. I basically lived off getting fed like a baby by my pastor and survived off the prayers of my war room mother and amazing wife. I sat near the back of church, never raised my hands, and today I would consider my worship weak at best.

I had accepted Christ into my heart, had experienced the presence of God at places like church camp, and had seen God do some amazing miracles. God had blessed my wife and I with children, I had enjoyed championship level success both as a high school head coach and as an assistant college coach. From the outside looking in, I believe most people would say Donnie Bostwick was a strong Christian man and coach. Yet, my wife’s prayer was still, and rightfully so, for me to become the spiritual leader of our home. I was alive, but not living in the power and favor my Heavenly Father was offering me. We have not because we ask not. We must answer the door and draw nigh to God with all our heart in order to experience more of the Power of the Spirit. It is a choice!

When the phone call came, I was sitting in my office making a few recruiting calls wishing my top recruits a Happy New Year. The buddy who called me asked me, “Have you heard about KJ? He is going to die.” It was a blow that took the breath out of me, but I was able to say “What?”. He responded, “Yea, he came in from a jog and had a Basal Tip Brain Aneurysm.” I honestly had not idea what that meant, but he followed that up with, “A blood vessel in the center of his brain ruptured and he is barely holding on for his life. Can you believe that? He needs your prayers bro.”

As I hung the phone up, flashes of Kevin Johnson rolled through my mind. I had watched the 6’7′ 29 year old go from a very good player, to an assistant, to a head college basketball coach. KJ was simply one of those guys who oozes God’s Love at a level that simply is inspiring.

I was upset and I began letting God know it. “How could you let this happen to KJ? I deserve this more than him. He loves you and boldly let’s everyone know who you are!” It was one of those one way conversations that I did not expect to hear a response from, but this time I did hear a response from above! The response was three simple words, “Will you fight?”.

From my experience, when God speaks it is usually short and to the point. I knew exactly what God was saying to me. Maybe the Holy Spirit was giving me the discernment or wisdom, but I knew exactly what He meant by “Will I fight?” Growing up, I had seen my mom pray nightly on her knees. She was fighting for her dad, my dad, her brothers, and for many loved ones that needed God. She was interceding and fighting on their behalf.

Up until that point in my life, I simply had not entered the front lines. I had never fasted or dug a trench deep in the Word and dared to stand despite the odds. The Spirit was telling me that if I would fight then my faith could help win the battle. Why I know this is something I simply can’t explain, but I knew. It was not my faith alone that helped KJ, but I did join the battle and as a result the trajectory of my walk with Christ took a dramatic climb upward. You can go to the link below to read exactly what followed the next few months.


I am still today inspired and in awe of the faith and fight of Kevin and Amanda Johnson. The battle has been tough as they also had trouble having children, but God showed up and now they have 3. KJ had another aneurysm show up a few years later, but God showed up and this time did a miracle the doctor’s could not even believe. If you want to hear more of KJ’s story then plan on attending the SLC3 Coaching Experience July 19-21 and hear it from him personally!

One day a few years back, I was struggling fighting another battle. As I woke up that morning, I asked God to give me something to increase me faith and strength. I searched for a message on youtube and came across a message by Life Church Pastor Craig Groeschel called Bold Prayers. It was exactly what I was looking for. At the 28 minute mark in the message, God did it again. He wowed me. A reminded of what He had done, not only once, but twice. Watch for yourself

Bold Prayers – Pastor Craig Groeschel – Life Church

Many of you that take the time to read my post are followers of Christ. My question for you is this. Are you missing out on some of what God has to offer? I was, but not any more. The more I get the hungrier I become. The more I seek, the more God shows up. The Spirit yearns for a closer relationship with you. I have yet to meet a man that regrets drawing closer to Christ!

Photo by Arisa Chattasa on Unsplash