2019 Worship Challenge


One of my seniors is taking part in a fast that I asked my team to consider doing as we enter 2019. He chose to fast watching any TV or videos on his phone for a month. No coincidence to me that he just had the biggest game of his career thus far with 29 points and 8 rebounds and made a hustle play on a missed Free Throw that set the tone for the rest of our season. He is a spiritual warrior who has the gift, like David, of hitting a target from a long distance. He was one of the top 3pt-shooters in the country last season hitting 78 three’s at over 50 percent. He is not the most athletic player on the court, but you will have a hard time finding a bigger heart for Jesus. He even took a group of youth on a mission trip to Europe this past summer. He hits the weight room and eats a healthy diet to take care of his Physical Man, but if we could only see the size of his Spirit Man. Jake reminds me of a former NAIA National Player of the Year named Brandon Cole who led us to the 2005 National Championship. He went on to play professionally in Germany, then worked for FCA, then on to a ministry in coaching. As his high school coach he develop Charlotte Hornet’s Malik Monk. Brandon topped all of those amazing accomplishments by turning down down a head college coaching position to instead go to Africa to spread God’s love. I will let him share more of his testimony later, but had to briefly mention him.

Here is my Worship Challenge for you!

First, Listen to the following three songs that were sent my way from above through some of my most trusted warriors of the faith.

  1. Raise a Hallelujah – Bethel Music
  2. Fade Away – Passion Music feat.. Melodie Malone
  3. Confidence – Sanctus Real

After listening to the songs, then click this link and read the blog post titled “Against All Hope”. It is a simple challenge, but I believe it will start you on a journey that makes 2019 One of the Most Special Years of Your Life!

I want you to be a part of what God is pouring out from Heaven in 2019. He wants you to be a part of it. Maybe you should consider fasting something as well as a way of showing God that you want to spend more time with Him in 2019. Watch and see that when you start the year with a sacrifice for Him, that He will finish your year with more than you can imagine. Chase God like you have never chased Him before in 2019 and watch how He empowers you to accomplish greater things than every before.

You can’t out give God. My amazing Pastor Darryl Wottoon preached Sunday on the same five words that God gave my wife Sheri and I in 2007, when we first came to OKWU, that He was going to


I love these two words as well:


I loved hearing Dabo Swinney say after winning the NCAA Footbal Championship “ONLY GOD can write this script”. Isn’t it time that you let God have your All and see what ONLY GOD can do with it. Only God can make something out of Nothing!

Take the worship challenge today and make 2019 one you will never forget!

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